Macro pgx::default[][src]

macro_rules! default {
    ($ty:ty, $val:tt) => { ... };
    ($ty:ty, $val:path) => { ... };
    ($ty:ty, $val:expr) => { ... };

A macro for specifying default argument values so they get propery translated to SQL in CREATE FUNCTION statements


This example will create a SQL function like so:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun_with_default_arg_value(a integer, b integer DEFAULT 99) RETURNS integer ...;
use crate::pgx::*;

fn fun_with_default_arg_value(a: i32, b: default!(i32, 99)) -> i32 {
   a + b

This allows users of this function, from within Postgres, to elide the b argument, and Postgres will automatically use 99.