
A collection of (de-)serializable structs which capture the application state, suitable for persistence, history, etc. features.
A catch all for project-wide macros and general-purpose functions that are not directly related to Perspective. Modules below crate::utils strive to be single-responsibility, but some reference other crate::utils modules when it helps reduce boiler-plate.


A helper to for the pattern let x2 = x; necessary to clone structs destined for an async or 'static closure stack. This is like move || { .. } or move async { .. }, but for clone semantics. clone!() works with symbols as well as properties and methods, using the last symbol name in the method chain, or an alias via x = ... syntax.
A macro for implementing the wasm_bindgen boilerplate for types which implement serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}.
A macro which set a property called weak_link on the container Properties when cfg(test), such that unit tests may send messages to a component. This macro needs to be called in create() on any Component which needs to receive messages in a test.
A macro which derives a yew::Component for an arbitrary HTML snippet and mounts it, for testing.


Register Web Components with the global registry, given a Perspective module. This function shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use the define_web_components! macro to both call this method and hook the wasm_bindgen module object.
Export all ExprTK commands, for use in generating documentation.
Register this crate’s Custom Elements in the browser’s current session. This must occur before calling any public API methods on these Custom Elements from JavaScript, as the methods themselves won’t be defined yet. By default, this crate does not register PerspectiveViewerElement (as to preserve backwards-compatible synchronous API).
Register a plugin globally.