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Utilities for working with the engine-side, particularly with regards to setting up the entrypoint for your app’s build/export/server processes.


A representation of the server-side engine operations that can be performed.


Builds the app, calling all necessary plugin opportunities. This works solely with the properties provided in the given PerseusApp, so this is entirely engine-agnostic.

Exports the app to static files, given a PerseusApp. This is engine-agnostic, using the exported subfolder in the immutable store as a destination directory. By default this will end up at dist/exported/ (customizable through PerseusApp).

Exports a single error page for the given HTTP status code to the given output location. If the status code doesn’t exist or isn’t handled, then the fallback page will be exported.

Runs tinker plugin actions.

Determines the engine operation to be performed by examining environment variables (set automatically by the CLI as appropriate).

A convenience function that automatically runs the necessary engine operation based on the given directive. This provides almost no options for customization, and is usually elided by a macro. More advanced use-cases should bypass this and call the functions this calls manually, with their own configurations.

A wrapper around run_dflt_engine for apps that only use exporting, and so don’t need to bring in a server integration. This is designed to avoid extra dependencies. If perseus serve is called on an app using this, it will panic! after building everything.