Module perseus::utils

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General utilities that may be useful while building Perseus apps.


Represents a duration that can be computed relative to the current time. This should be created through PerseusDuration::into_computed only.
An error type for invalid durations.


A trait that represents anything we’ll accept for specifying durations for revalidation. Anything that implements thus must be able to be transformed into a ComputedDuration;


Same as cache_res, but takes a function that returns a Result, allowing you to use ? and the like inside your logic.
Runs the given function once and then caches the result to the filesystem for future execution. Think of this as filesystem-level memoizing. In future, this will be broken out into its own crate and wrapped by Perseus. The second parameter to this allows forcing the function to re-fetch data every time, which is useful if you want to revalidate data or test your fetching logic again. Note that a change to the logic will not trigger a reload unless you make it do so. For this reason, it’s recommended to only use this wrapper once you’ve tested your fetching logic.
Marks a checkpoint in the code and alerts any tests that it’s been reached by creating an element that represents it. The preferred solution would be emitting a DOM event, but the WebDriver specification currently doesn’t support waiting on those (go figure). This will only create a custom element if the __PERSEUS_TESTING JS global variable is set to true.
Gets the path prefix to apply in the browser. This uses the HTML <base> element, which would be required anyway to make Sycamore’s router co-operate with a relative path hosting.
Gets the path prefix to apply on the server. This uses the PERSEUS_BASE_PATH environment variable, which avoids hardcoding something as changeable as this into the final binary. Hence however, that variable must be the same as what’s set in <base> (done automatically). Trailing forward slashes will be trimmed automatically.