Module perseus::state

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Utilities for working with Perseus’ state platform.


This module contains implementations of common Rust collections that work well with Perseus’ reactive state platform. So that this is as extensible as possible, all the code in this module follows a general pattern, so that you can easily create your own implementations as necessary!


The output of the build seed system, which should be generated by a user function for each template.
A representation of a frozen app.
A representation of the global state in an app. This will be initialized as a string of whatever was given by the server, until a page requests it and deserializes it properly (since we can’t know the type until that happens).
A creator for global state. This stores user-provided functions that will be invoked to generate global state on the client and the server.
A frozen state store that uses IndexedDB as a backend. This will only store a single frozen state at a time, removing all previously stored states every time a new one is set.
A container for page state in Perseus. This is designed as a context store, in which one of each type can be stored. Therefore, it acts very similarly to Sycamore’s context system, though it’s specifically designed for each page to store one reactive properties object. In theory, you could interact with this entirely independently of Perseus’ state interface, though this isn’t recommended.
An entry for a single page in the PSS. This type has no concern for the actual type of the page state it stores.
A wrapper for fallible reactive state.
The intermediate reactive type for RxResult. You shouldn’t need to interface with this manually.
An analogue of std::convert::Infallible that can be serialized and deserialized, since Serde currently does not implement those traits on the standard library’s Infallible. Until this issue is resolved, this must be used instead in the state platform.
The information any function that generates state will be provided.
A wrapper for template state stored as a Value. This loses the underlying type information, but allows for serialization. This is a necessary compromise, since, without types being first-class citizens in Rust, full template type management appears presently impossible.
The user’s preferences on state thawing.
A marker for when the type of template state is unknown.


The backend for the different types of global state.
The user’s preferences on page state thawing. Templates have three places they can fetch state from: the page state store (called active state), the frozen state, and the server. They’re typically prioritized in that order, but if thawing occurs later in an app, it may be desirable to override active state in favor of frozen state. These preferences allow setting an inclusion or exclusion list.
The various things the PSS can contain for a single page. It might have state, a head, both, or neither.
The page state of a PSS entry. This is used to determine whether or not we need to request data from the server.


A convenience super-trait for Freezeable things that can be downcast to concrete types.
A trait for reactive structs that can be made unreactive and serialized to a String. structs that implement this should implement MakeUnrx for simplicity, but they technically don’t have to (they always do in Perseus macro-generated code).
A trait for structs that can be made reactive. Typically, this will be derived with the #[make_rx] macro, though it can be implemented manually if you have more niche requirements.
A trait for reactive structs that can be made un-reactive. This is the opposite of MakeRx, and is intended particularly for state freezing. Like MakeRx, this will usually be derived automatically with the #[make_rx] macro, but you can also implement it manually.
A marker trait for types that you want to be able to use with the Perseus state platform, without using #[make_rx]. If you want to use unreactive state, implement this, and you’ll automatically be able to use your unreactive type without problems!


A utility function for calling suspense handlers and managing their errors. This automatically implements the pattern of allowing suspense handlers to return arbitrary errors that will be set, enabling the more convenient use of ? in those handlers.
A utility function for calling suspense handlers and managing their errors. This automatically implements the pattern of allowing suspense handlers to return arbitrary errors that will be set, enabling the more convenient use of ? in those handlers.

Type Definitions

A type alias for template state that has been converted into a Value without retaining the information of the original type, which is done internally to eliminate the need for generics, which cannot be used internally in Perseus for user state. The actual type is restored at the last minute when it’s needed.