Module perseus::prelude

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A series of imports needed by most Perseus apps, in some form. This should be used in conjunction with the Sycamore prelude.


pub use crate::error_views::ErrorViews;
pub use crate::errors::BlamedError;
pub use crate::errors::ErrorBlame;
pub use crate::reactor::Reactor;
pub use crate::PerseusNodeType;
pub use crate::Request;


Logs the given format!-style data to the browser’s console, or to stdout on the server.


The output of the build seed system, which should be generated by a user function for each template.
A capsule, a special type of template in Perseus that can also accept properties. Capsules are basically a very special type of Sycamore component that can integrate fully with Perseus’ state platform, generating their own states at build-time, request-time, etc. They’re then used in one or more pages, and provided extra properties.
The options for constructing a Perseus app. This struct will tie together all your code, declaring to Perseus where your templates, error pages, static content, etc. are.
A wrapper for fallible reactive state.
The intermediate reactive type for RxResult. You shouldn’t need to interface with this manually.
An analogue of std::convert::Infallible that can be serialized and deserialized, since Serde currently does not implement those traits on the standard library’s Infallible. Until this issue is resolved, this must be used instead in the state platform.
The information any function that generates state will be provided.
A single template in an app. Each template is comprised of a Sycamore view, a state type, and some functions involved with generating that state. Pages can then be generated from particular states. For instance, a single docs template could have a state struct that stores a title and some content, which could then render as many pages as desired.


Trait that is implemented by all [GenericNode] backends that render to HTML.


The component that represents the entrypoint at which Perseus will inject itself. You can use this with the .index_view() method of PerseusAppBase to avoid having to create the entrypoint <div> manually.
Same as cache_res, but takes a function that returns a Result, allowing you to use ? and the like inside your logic.
Runs the given function once and then caches the result to the filesystem for future execution. Think of this as filesystem-level memoizing. In future, this will be broken out into its own crate and wrapped by Perseus. The second parameter to this allows forcing the function to re-fetch data every time, which is useful if you want to revalidate data or test your fetching logic again. Note that a change to the logic will not trigger a reload unless you make it do so. For this reason, it’s recommended to only use this wrapper once you’ve tested your fetching logic.
Marks a checkpoint in the code and alerts any tests that it’s been reached by creating an element that represents it. The preferred solution would be emitting a DOM event, but the WebDriver specification currently doesn’t support waiting on those (go figure). This will only create a custom element if the __PERSEUS_TESTING JS global variable is set to true.
Navigates to the specified url. The url should have the same origin as the app.
Navigates to the specified url without adding a new history entry. Instead, this replaces the current location with the new url. The url should have the same origin as the app.
Spawns a !Send future on the current scope. If the scope is destroyed before the future is completed, it is aborted immediately. This ensures that it is impossible to access any values referencing the scope after they are destroyed.

Type Definitions

An alias for the usual kind of Perseus app, which uses the filesystem-based mutable store and translations manager. See PerseusAppBase for details.
An alias for a Perseus app that uses a custom mutable store type. See PerseusAppBase for details.
An alias for a fully customizable Perseus app that can accept a custom mutable store and a custom translations manager. Alternatively, you could just use PerseusAppBase directly.
An alias for a Perseus app that uses a custom translations manager type. See PerseusAppBase for details.

Attribute Macros

A helper macro for templates that use reactive state. Once, this was needed on all Perseus templates, however, today, templates that take no state, or templates that take unreactive state, can be provided as normal functions to the methods .view() and .view_with_unreactive_state() respectively, on Perseus’ Template type.
Marks the given function as the browser entrypoint into your app. This is designed for more complex apps that need to manually distinguish between the engine and browser entrypoints.
A convenience macro that makes sure the given function is only defined on the browser-side, creating an empty function on the engine-side. Perseus implicitly expects your browser-side state modification functions to be defined in this way (though you certainly don’t have to use this macro).
Marks the given function as the engine entrypoint into your app. This is designed for more complex apps that need to manually distinguish between the engine and browser entrypoints.
A convenience macro that makes sure the given function is only defined on the engine-side, creating an empty function on the browser-side. Perseus implicitly expects most of your state generation functions to be defined in this way (though you certainly don’t have to use this macro).
Marks the given function as the universal entrypoint into your app. This is designed for simple use-cases, and the annotated function should return a PerseusApp. This will expand into separate main() functions for both the browser and engine sides.
This is identical to #[main], except it doesn’t require a server integration, because it sets your app up for exporting only. This is useful for apps not using server-requiring features (like incremental static generation and revalidation) that want to avoid bringing in another dependency on the server-side.
Marks the given function as a Perseus test. Functions marked with this attribute must have the following signature: async fn foo(client: &mut fantoccini::Client) -> Result<>.

Derive Macros

Processes the given struct to create a reactive version by wrapping each field in a Signal. This will generate a new struct with the given name and implement a .make_rx() method on the original that allows turning an instance of the unreactive struct into an instance of the reactive one.