Module perseus::plugins[][src]

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Utilities for managing and creating plugins.


A control action, which can only be taken by one plugin. When run, control actions will return an Option<R> on what their runners return, which will be None if no runner is set.

All the control actions that a plugin can take.

Control actions that pertain to the build process.

Control actions that pertain to the client-side code. As yet, there are none of these.

Control actions that pertain to the export process.

Control actions that pertain to the server.

Control actions that pertain to altering settings from define_app!.

An action which can be taken by many plugins. When run, a functional action will return a map of plugin names to their return types.

Actions designed to be compatible with other plugins such that two plugins can execute the same action.

Functional actions that pertain to the build process. Note that these actions are not available for the build stage of the export process, and those should be registered separately.

Functional actions that pertain to the client-side code. These in particular should be as fast as possible.

Functional actions that pertain to the export process.

Functional actions that pertain to the server.

Functional actions that pertain to altering the settings exported from the define_app! macro.

A Perseus plugin. This must be exported by all plugin crates so the user can register the plugin easily.

A representation of all the plugins used by an app. Due to the sheer number and compexity of nested fields, this is best transferred in an Rc, which unfortunately results in double indirection for runner functions.


A trait for the interface for a plugin action, which abstracts whether it’s a functional or a control action.


A helper function for plugins that don’t take any control actions. This just inserts an empty registrar.

Type Definitions

A runner function, which takes action data and plugin data.