Module perseus::serve[][src]

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Utilities for serving your app. These are platform-agnostic, and you probably want an integration like perseus-actix-web.


Represents the data necessary to render a page, including document metadata.


Gets the HTML/JSON data for the given page path. This will call SSG/SSR/etc., whatever is needed for that page. Note that HTML generated at request-time will always replace anything generated at build-time, incrementally, revalidated, etc.

Internal logic behind get_page. The only differences are that this takes a full template rather than just a template name, which can avoid an unnecessary lookup if you already know the template in full (e.g. initial load server-side routing). Because this handles templates with potentially revalidation and incremental generation, it uses both mutable and immutable stores.

Gets the configuration of how to render each page using an immutable store.