[][src]Trait peroxide::structure::matrix::LinearAlgebra

pub trait LinearAlgebra {
    fn lu(&self) -> Option<PQLU>;
fn det(&self) -> f64;
fn block(&self) -> (Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix);
fn inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>;
fn pseudo_inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>; }

Linear algebra trait

Required methods

fn lu(&self) -> Option<PQLU>

fn det(&self) -> f64

fn block(&self) -> (Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix)

fn inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>

fn pseudo_inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>

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impl LinearAlgebra for Matrix

fn lu(&self) -> Option<PQLU>

LU Decomposition Implements


It use complete pivoting LU decomposition. You can get two permutations, and LU matrices.


It returns Option<PQLU> - You should unwrap to obtain real value. PQLU has four field - p, q, l, u. p, q are permutations. l, u are matrices.


extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

let a = matrix(vec![1,2,3,4], 2, 2, Row);
let pqlu = a.lu().unwrap();
let (p,q,l,u) = (pqlu.p, pqlu.q, pqlu.l, pqlu.u);
assert_eq!(p, vec![(0,1)]); // swap 0 & 1 (Row)
assert_eq!(q, vec![(0,1)]); // swap 0 & 1 (Col)
assert_eq!(l, matrix(c!(1,0,0.5,1),2,2,Row));
assert_eq!(u, matrix(c!(4,3,0,-0.5),2,2,Row));

fn det(&self) -> f64



extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
assert_eq!(a.det(), -2f64);

fn block(&self) -> (Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix)

Block Partition


extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

let a = matrix!(1;16;1, 4, 4, Row);
let (m1, m2, m3, m4) = a.block();
assert_eq!(m1, matrix(c!(1,2,5,6), 2, 2, Row));
assert_eq!(m2, matrix(c!(3,4,7,8), 2, 2, Row));
assert_eq!(m3, matrix(c!(9,10,13,14), 2, 2, Row));
assert_eq!(m4, matrix(c!(11,12,15,16), 2, 2, Row));

let b = matrix!(1;16;1, 4, 4, Col);
let (m1, m2, m3, m4) = b.block();
assert_eq!(m1, matrix(c!(1,2,5,6), 2, 2, Col));
assert_eq!(m3, matrix(c!(3,4,7,8), 2, 2, Col));
assert_eq!(m2, matrix(c!(9,10,13,14), 2, 2, Col));
assert_eq!(m4, matrix(c!(11,12,15,16), 2, 2, Col));

fn inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>

Inverse of Matrix


inv function returns Option<Matrix> Thus, you should use pattern matching or unwrap to obtain inverse.


extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

// Non-singular
let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
assert_eq!(a.inv().unwrap(), matrix(c!(-2,1,1.5,-0.5),2,2,Row));

// Singular
let b = matrix!(1;9;1, 3, 3, Row);
assert_eq!(b.inv(), None);

fn pseudo_inv(&self) -> Option<Matrix>

Moore-Penrose Pseudo inverse


(X^T X)^{-1} X


extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::*;

let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
let inv_a = a.inv().unwrap();
let pse_a = a.pseudo_inv().unwrap();

assert_eq!(inv_a, pse_a); // Nearly equal
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