Crate peroxide

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Expand description

peroxide is comprehensive numerical library for Rust.


peroxide has various components for scientific computation.

And all these things are built on mathematical traits.

Quick Start


  • Run below commands in your project directory
  1. Default
    cargo add peroxide
  2. OpenBLAS
    cargo add peroxide --features O3
  3. Plot
    cargo add peroxide --features plot
  4. NetCDF dependency for DataFrame
    cargo add peroxide --features nc
  5. CSV dependency for DataFrame
    cargo add peroxide --features csv
  6. Parquet dependency for DataFrame
    cargo add peroxide --features parquet
  7. All features
    cargo add peroxide --features "O3 plot nc csv parquet"

Import all at once

Peroxide has two options.

  • prelude : To simple use
  • fuga : To control numerical algorithms

To see differences, follow above two links.

You can import all functions & structures at once

  • prelude
extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Write what you want
  • fuga
extern crate peroxide;
use peroxide::fuga::*;

fn main() {
    // Write what you want

Useful tips for features

  • After 0.28.0, dataframe feature is replaced by nc feature.
  • If you want to use QR or SVD or Cholesky Decomposition then should use O3 feature (there are no implementations for these decompositions in default)
  • If you want to write your numerical results, then use parquet or nc features (corresponding to parquet or netcdf format. (It is much more effective than csv and json.)
  • After 0.23.0, there are two options - fuga, prelude. Choose proper option for your computations.
  • To plot, use parquet or nc feature to export data as parquet or netcdf format and use python to draw plot.
    • plot feature has limited plot abilities.
    • To read parquet file in python, use pandas & pyarrow libraries.
    • There is a template of python code for netcdf. - Socialst


Choose what you want.
Useful macros
Machine learning tools
Differential equations & Numerical Analysis tools
Do not disturbed. Just use.
Special function module
Statistical Modules
Main structures for peroxide
Utility - plot, print, pickle and etc.


R like concatenate (Type: Vec<f64>)
R like cbind
R like dnorm
R like dt
MATLAB like eye - identity matrix
MATLAB like linspace
R like lm
More R like Matrix constructor (Macro)
R like pnorm
R like pt
MATLAB like rand - random matrix
R like rbind
R like random normal
R like random Student’s t
R like random uniform
R like seq macro
MATLAB like zeros - zero matrix