[][src]Module peroxide::structure::matrix

Matrix for Scientific computation

Declare matrix

  • You can declare matrix by various ways.
    • R's way - Default
    • MATLAB's way
    • Python's way
    • Other macro

R's way

  • Description: Same as R - matrix(Vec<f64>, Row, Col, Shape)

  • Type: matrix(Vec<T>, usize, usize, Shape) where T: std::convert::Into<f64> + Copy

    • Shape: Enum for matrix shape - Row & Col
    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix(c!(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, Row);
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]     1    2
        // r[1]     3    4
        let b = matrix(c!(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, Col);
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]     1    3
        // r[1]     2    4

MATLAB's way

  • Description: Similar to MATLAB (But should use &str)

  • Type: ml_matrix(&str)

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = ml_matrix("1 2; 3 4");
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]     1    2
        // r[1]     3    4

Python's way

  • Description: Declare matrix as vector of vectors.

  • Type: py_matrix(Vec<Vec<T>>) where T: std::convert::Into<f64> + Copy

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = py_matrix(vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3, 4]]);
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]     1    2
        // r[1]     3    4

Other macro

  • Description: R-like macro to declare matrix

  • For R,

    # R
    a = matrix(1:4:1, 2, 2, Row)
    #      [,1] [,2]
    # [1,]    1    2
    # [2,]    3    4
  • For Peroxide,

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]     1    2
        // r[1]     3    4

Basic Method for Matrix

There are some useful methods for Matrix

  • row(&self, index: usize) -> Vec<f64> : Extract specific row as Vec<f64>

  • col(&self, index: usize) -> Vec<f64> : Extract specific column as Vec<f64>

  • diag(&self) -> Vec<f64>: Extract diagonal components as Vec<f64>

  • swap(&self, usize, usize, Shape): Swap two rows or columns (unsafe function)

  • subs_col(&mut self, usize, Vec<f64>): Substitute column with Vec<f64>

  • subs_row(&mut self, usize, Vec<f64>): Substitute row with Vec<f64>

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let mut a = ml_matrix("1 2; 3 4");
        a.row(0).print(); // [1, 2]
        a.col(0).print(); // [1, 3]
        a.diag().print(); // [1, 4]
        unsafe {
            a.swap(0, 1, Row);
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    3    4
        // r[1]    1    2
        let mut b = ml_matrix("1 2;3 4");
        b.subs_col(0, &c!(5, 6));
        b.subs_row(1, &c!(7, 8));
        //       c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    5    2
        // r[1]    7    8

Read & Write

In peroxide, we can write matrix to csv

CSV (Legacy)

  • write(&self, file_path: &str): Write matrix to csv

  • write_with_header(&self, file_path, header: Vec<&str>): Write with header

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = ml_matrix("1 2;3 4");
        a.write("example_data/matrix.csv").expect("Can't write file");
        let b = ml_matrix("1 2; 3 4; 5 6");
        b.write_with_header("example_data/header.csv", vec!["odd", "even"])
            .expect("Can't write header file");

Also, you can read matrix from csv.

  • Type: read(&str, bool, char) -> Result<Matrix, Box<Error>>

  • Description: read(file_path, is_header, delimiter)

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        //let a = Matrix::read("example_data/matrix.csv", false, ',')
        //    .expect("Can't read matrix.csv file");
        ////       c[0] c[1]
        //// r[0]     1    2
        //// r[1]     3    4


There are two options to concatenate matrices.

  • cbind: Concatenate two matrices by column direction.

  • rbind: Concatenate two matrices by row direction.

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = ml_matrix("1 2;3 4");
        let b = ml_matrix("5 6;7 8");
        cbind(a.clone(), b.clone()).print();
        //      c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3]
        // r[0]    1    2    5    7
        // r[1]    3    4    6    8
        rbind(a, b).print();
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    1    2
        // r[1]    3    4
        // r[2]    5    6
        // r[3]    7    8

Matrix operations

  • In peroxide, can use basic operations between matrices. I'll show you by examples.

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        (a.clone() + 1).print(); // -, *, / are also available
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    2    3
        // r[1]    4    5
        let b = matrix!(5;8;1, 2, 2, Row);
        (a.clone() + b.clone()).print(); // - is also available
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    6    8
        // r[1]   10   12
        (a.clone() * b.clone()).print(); // Matrix multiplication
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]   19   22
        // r[1]   43   50
  • clone is too annoying - We can use reference operations!

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = ml_matrix("1 2;3 4");
        let b = ml_matrix("5 6;7 8");
        (&a + 1).print();
        (&a + &b).print();
        (&a - &b).print();
        (&a * &b).print();

Extract & modify components

  • In peroxide, matrix data is saved as linear structure.

  • But you can use two-dimensional index to extract or modify components.

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let mut a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        a[(0,0)].print();   // 1
        a[(0,0)] = 2f64;    // Modify component
        //       c[0] c[1]
        //  r[0]    2    2
        //  r[1]    3    4

Conversion to Vec

  • Just use row or col method (I already showed at Basic method section).

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        a.row(0).print(); // [1, 2]

Useful constructor

  • zeros(usize, usize): Construct matrix which elements are all zero

  • eye(usize): Identity matrix

  • rand(usize, usize): Construct random uniform matrix (from 0 to 1)

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = zeros(2, 2);
        assert_eq!(a, ml_matrix("0 0;0 0"));
        let b = eye(2);
        assert_eq!(b, ml_matrix("1 0;0 1"));
        let c = rand(2, 2);
        c.print(); // Random 2x2 matrix

Linear Algebra


  • Caution: Transpose does not consume the original value.

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        // Or you can use shorter one
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    1    3
        // r[1]    2    4

LU Decomposition

  • Peroxide uses complete pivoting for LU decomposition - Very stable

  • Since there are lots of causes to generate error, you should use Option

  • lu returns Option<PQLU>

    • PQLU has four field - p, q, l , u
    • p means row permutations
    • q means column permutations
    • l means lower triangular matrix
    • u menas upper triangular matrix
  • The structure of PQLU is as follows:

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct PQLU {
        pub p: Perms,
        pub q: Perms,
        pub l: Matrix,
        pub u: Matrix,
    pub type Perms = Vec<(usize, usize)>;
  • Example of LU decomposition:

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix(c!(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, Row);
        let pqlu = a.lu().unwrap(); // unwrap because of Option
        let (p,q,l,u) = (pqlu.p, pqlu.q, pqlu.l, pqlu.u);
        assert_eq!(p, vec![(0,1)]); // swap 0 & 1 (Row)
        assert_eq!(q, vec![(0,1)]); // swap 0 & 1 (Col)
        assert_eq!(l, matrix(c!(1,0,0.5,1),2,2,Row));
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    1    0
        // r[1]  0.5    1
        assert_eq!(u, matrix(c!(4,3,0,-0.5),2,2,Row));
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]    4    3
        // r[1]    0 -0.5


  • Peroxide uses LU decomposition to obtain determinant ($ \mathcal{O}(n^3) $)

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        assert_eq!(a.det(), -2f64);

Inverse matrix

  • Peroxide uses LU decomposition to obtain inverse matrix.
  • It needs two sub functions - inv_l, inv_u
    • For inverse of L, U, I use block partitioning. For example, for lower triangular matrix : $$ \begin{aligned} L &= \begin{pmatrix} L_1 & \mathbf{0} \\ L_2 & L_3 \end{pmatrix} \\ L^{-1} &= \begin{pmatrix} L_1^{-1} & \mathbf{0} \\ -L_3^{-1}L_2 L_1^{-1} & L_3^{-1} \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} $$
    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        //      c[0] c[1]
        // r[0]   -2    1
        // r[1]  1.5 -0.5

Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse

  • $ X^\dagger = \left(X^T X\right)^{-1} X $

    extern crate peroxide;
    use peroxide::fuga::*;
    fn main() {
        let a = matrix!(1;4;1, 2, 2, Row);
        let pinv_a = a.pseudo_inv().unwrap();
        let inv_a = a.inv().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(inv_a, pinv_a); // Nearly equal (not actually equal)


pub use self::Shape::Col;
pub use self::Shape::Row;



Temporary data structure from dgeqrf


Temporary data structure from dgetrf


R-like matrix structure


Data structure for Complete Pivoting LU decomposition




To select matrices' binding.



Error is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values, i.e., values of type E in Result<T, E>. Errors must describe themselves through the Display and Debug traits, and may provide cause chain information:


Linear algebra trait



Combine separated matrix to one matrix


GEMM wrapper for Matrixmultiply


General Matrix-Vector multiplication


General Vector-Matrix multiplication


Inverse of Lower matrix


Inverse of upper triangular matrix


R-like matrix constructor


Matlab-like matrix constructor


Python-like matrix constructor


R-like matrix constructor (Explicit ver.)


Type Definitions
