pub fn cartesian_product<'a, T>(sets: &'a [&[T]], cb: impl FnMut(&'a [T])) where
    T: Copy
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Create a cartesian product over given slice. The result will be a slice of T.


  • sets A slice of slice(s) contains T elements.
  • cb A callback function. It will be called on each product.


A function return a slice of T element out of parameter sets. It return value as parameter of callback function cb.


This function use unsafe code to create a copy of result. One is use to perform mutation without creating a new result. Another is use to send to callback function. Internally, the result mutation and callback call will be done in sequence so it should be safe.


To print all cartesian product between [1, 2, 3] and [4, 5, 6].

   use permutator::cartesian_product;
   cartesian_product(&[&[1, 2, 3], &[4, 5, 6]], |product| {
       // First called will receive [1, 4] then [1, 5] then [1, 6]
       // then [2, 4] then [2, 5] and so on until [3, 6].
       println!("{:?}", product);