Module penrose::core::hooks

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Traits for writing and composing hooks.

Hook points

Penrose offers several differnt hook points where you are able to provide custom logic to execute as part of the main WindowManager event loop. Unlike logic you add as KeyEventHandlers, hooks will be run automatically by Penrose as and when the conditions for there execution arises. Each hook point requires a specific trait to be implemented and in the simplest case, functions with the correct type signature can be used directly (though you will likely want to implement traits directly if you are looking for more control over how your hook logic is run.

Startup Hooks

Startup hooks are implemented using the StateHook trait, allowing you access to the pure WindowManager internal State and the XConn in order to run any set up code you need which requires the the bindings to already have been grabbed but before any existing clients are parsed and managed by the WindowManager.

NOTE: Startup hooks are run to completion before entering the main event loop.

Event Hooks

The EventHook trait allows you to pre-process incoming XEvents as they arrive from the X server, before they are seen by the default event handling logic. This allows you to intercept or modify incoming events as you need and act accordingly. Maybe you want to keep track of changes to a specific property on clients or maybe you want to know if a specific client is being destroyed.

This hook returns a bool indicating whether or not the default event handling logic needs to run after your hook has finished: to run the default handling you should return true, to skip the handling (and prevent the normal behviour for such an event) you can return false.

NOTE: Be careful about disabling default event handling! If you drop events that are required for the normal behaviour of the WindowManager then you will need to make sure that you track and maintain any required state that may now be missing.

Manage Hooks

ManageHooks let you run some additional logic to optionally modify the pure window manager state after a newly managed client has been processed and stored, but before that change is applied to the X server. This allows you to modify how the new client is set up when it first appears, such as moving it to a specific workspace or marking it as floating in a specific position. There are some reference hooks in the extensions module that can serve as a starting point for looking at the sorts of things that are possible.

NOTE: ManageHooks should not directly trigger a refresh of the X state! They are already called by the XConn immediately before refreshing so all triggering a refresh directly will do is run the refresh twice: once with the inital state of the client before your hook was applied and once after.

Layout Hooks

Finally we have LayoutHooks which operate a little differently, in that they have two methods to implement. Layout hooks are run around whatever Layout is active for the focused workspace, allowing you to modify the screen dimensions available for the layout algorithm before it runs and editing the list of window positions it generates before they are applied. This lets you do things like prevent windows being positions on certain parts of the screen, or injecting/removing additional window positions.

This is somewhat similar to the LayoutTransformer trait which is a wrapper around a specific Layout, but it doesn’t allow for introspection of the underlying Layout or responding to Messages. On the plus side, layout hooks are registered and run centrally rather than needing to be applied to each Layout you want to add that behaviour to.

Refresh Hooks

Refresh hooks are implemented using the same StateHook trait used for Startup hooks. In this case however, your hook will be run each time the XConn refreshes the X state in response to changes being made to the internal state of the WindowManager. This is one of the more general purpose hooks available for you to make use of and can be used to run code any time something changes in the internal state of your window manager.

Setting and composing hooks

Each kind of hook has a corresponding compose_or_set_*_hook method on the Config struct. If multiple hooks of the same type are registered they are composed together as a stack, with the most recently added hook running first (keep this in mind if the hooks you are registering have any potential interactions in how they operate).



  • Handle an XEvent, return true if default event handling should be run afterwards.
  • Logic to run before and after laying out clients
  • Action to run when a new client becomes managed.
  • An arbitrary action that can be run and modify State