Crate peerlink

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Peerlink is a low-level network client for Bitcoin. It is designed to abstract away and hide networking logic and allow the consumer to focus on communicating with other peers on the network. Message streaming, buffering and basic peer management is handled by the library.

The way to use this crate is to create a Reactor instance, acquire its messaging handle and let the reactor run on its own thread. The API consumer then communicates with the reactor using a Handle instance.

User Agent Handling

While Peerlink does not enforce any particular user agent string format when sending out version messages, please use the user_agent function in the crate root to create a well formatted BIP0014 UA string. Doing so ensures that Peerlink is identifying itself properly to the network.


The following example covers connecting to a Bitcoin node running on localhost, sending a message and then shutting down the reactor.

let config = peerlink::Config {
    // empty vec means we aren't listening for inbound connections
    bind_addr: vec![],

let (reactor, handle) = peerlink::Reactor::new(config)?;

// start the reactor (spawns its own thread)
let reactor_join_handle =;

// issue a command to connect to our peer

// expect a `ConnectedTo` event if everything went well
let peer = match handle.receive()? {
    peerlink::Event::ConnectedTo(Ok((peer, peer_addr))) => {
        println!("Connected to peer {} at address {}", peer, peer_addr);
    _ => panic!("not interested in other messages yet"),

// send a message to the peer and perform other operations...
handle.send(peerlink::Command::Message(peer, RawNetworkMessage {magic: todo!(), payload: todo!()}))?;

// When done, shut down the reactor and join with its thread
let _ = reactor_join_handle.join();


pub use bitcoin;
pub use reactor::Command;
pub use reactor::Connector;
pub use reactor::Event;
pub use reactor::Reactor;



Configuration parameters for the reactor.
Unique peer identifier. The user should assume these can be reused by different peers as peers come and go, i.e. they are not assigned just once for the lifetime of the process.
Stream related configuration parameters.
A non-blocking TCP stream between a local socket and a remote socket.


Creates a well formed BIP0014 user agent string that should be used with version messages. For instance, if app_name is supernode and app_version is 0.6.5 and the version of Peerlink being used is 0.4.0, the resulting string will be /peerlink:0.4.0/supernode:0.6.5/.