Crate peace_core

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Low level data types for the peace automation framework.

This crate exists because:

  • peace_cfg has a dependency on peace_resources for Resources, used in ItemSpec::setup.

  • peace_resources has a dependency on ItemSpecId, as uses TypeMap<ItemSpecId, _> for the States maps.

  • peace_resources also depends on progress::ProgressLimit for OpCheckStatus, which makes up OpCheckStatuses.

    When peace#67 is implemented, the progress module can be moved out of peace_core into peace_cfg.


Returns a const AppName validated at compile time.
Returns a const FlowId validated at compile time.
Returns a const ItemSpecId validated at compile time.
Returns a const Profile validated at compile time.


Name of the application that is run by end users.
Error indicating AppName provided is not in the correct format.
Identifier or name of a process flow.
Error indicating FlowId provided is not in the correct format.
Unique identifier for an ItemSpecId, Cow<'static, str> newtype.
Error indicating ItemSpecId provided is not in the correct format.
Identifier or namespace to distinguish execution environments.
Error indicating Profile provided is not in the correct format.


Whether an operation needs to be executed.