Crate pdqselect

Expand description

Pattern-defeating quickselect

The algorithm is based on pattern-defeating quicksort by Orson Peters, published at: It is also heavily adapted from the Rust implementation of pdqsort ( and Rust’s own slice::sort_unstable.

NOTE: you may want to use Rust’s official version of this algorithm, slice::select_nth_unstable_by


  • Best-case running time is O(n).
  • Worst-case running time is O(n log n).
  • Does not allocate additional memory.
  • Uses #![no_std].


let mut v = [-5i32, 4, 1, -3, 2];
let k = 3;

pdqselect::select(&mut v, k);
let kth = v[k];
assert!(v[..k].iter().all(|&x| x <= kth));
assert!(v[k+1..].iter().all(|&x| x >= kth));

pdqselect::select_by(&mut v, k, |a, b| b.cmp(a));
let kth = v[k];
assert!(v[..k].iter().all(|&x| x >= kth));
assert!(v[k+1..].iter().all(|&x| x <= kth));

pdqselect::select_by_key(&mut v, k, |k| k.abs());
let kth = v[k].abs();
assert!(v[..k].iter().all(|&x| x.abs() <= kth));
assert!(v[k+1..].iter().all(|&x| x.abs() >= kth));


  • Sorts v using heapsort, which guarantees O(n log n) worst-case.
  • Partially sorts a slice and puts the kth smallest item in place.
  • Partially sorts a slice using compare to compare elements and puts the kth smallest item in place.
  • Partially sorts a slice using f to extract a key to compare elements by and puts the kth smallest item in place.