[][src]Module pcg_rand::stream



This stream provides an increment of 0 to the LCG. This turns the LCG into a MCG, which while being less statistically sound than an LCG, it is faster.


This sequence stream defines constants as provided by the PCG paper. This struct is implemented with a macro to provide values for each Stream.


By default this stream provides the same stream as OneSeqStream. The advantage to this stream is it can be changed at runtime. This incurs an extra Itype of storage overhead.


This stream provides a stream based on the current location of the generator in memory. This means that two PCG with the same seed can produce different sequences of numbers. Though if the generator is moved it will change the stream.



A stream provides the increment to the LCG. This increment should be an odd number or the period of the generator will not be the full size of the state.