Crate pcf8591 [−] [src]
An API to communicate with PCF8591 A/D converter
use pcf8591::{PCF8591, Pin}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; // Gets default location on raspberry pi (rev 2) let mut converter = PCF8591::new("/dev/i2c-1", 0x48, 3.3).unwrap(); loop { let v = converter.analog_read(Pin::AIN0).unwrap(); println!("Input voltage at pin 0: {}", v); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); }
PCF8591 |
A struct to handle PCF8591 converter |
LinuxI2CError | |
Pin |
An input Pin enumeration corresponding to the physical analog inputs pins |
Type Definitions
Result |
Wrapper over LinuxI2CError |