- Binary
Bytes - Formats bytes for human readability using ISO/IEC prefixes
- Decimal
Bytes - Formats bytes for human readability using SI prefixes
- Formatted
Duration - Wraps an std duration for human basic formatting.
- Human
Bytes - Formats bytes for human readability
- Human
Count - Formats counts for human readability using commas
- Human
Duration - Wraps an std duration for human readable formatting.
- Human
Float Count - Formats counts for human readability using commas for floats
- Multi
Progress - Manages multiple progress bars from different threads
- Pbar
- Progress
Bar - A progress bar or spinner
- Progress
BarIter - Wraps an iterator to display its progress.
- Progress
Draw Target - Target for draw operations
- Progress
State - The state of a progress bar at a moment in time.
- Progress
Style - Weak
Progress Bar - A weak reference to a
- Multi
Progress Alignment - Vertical alignment of a multi progress.
- Progress
Finish - Behavior of a progress bar when it is finished
- Progress
Iterator - Wraps an iterator to display its progress.
- Term
Like - A trait for minimal terminal-like behavior.