Crate pb_imgsize

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Fast reader for JPEG and PNG comments and dimensions.

The pb-imgsize crate provides a reader for JPEG and PNG images that can quickly extract the image’s dimensions and any comments embedded in the image.

For PNG images, the dimensions are extracted from the IHDR chunk, and the comments are extracted from tEXt chunks with the keyword “comment”.

For JPEG images, the dimensions are extracted from the SOFx chunk, and the comments are extracted from COM chunks.

The reader is fast because it only reads the chunks that are necessary to extract the dimensions and comments. It does not decode the image data.

The reader does not attempt to read EXIF data.


let data = include_bytes!("buttercups.jpg");
let metadata = pb_imgsize::read_bytes(data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(512, metadata.width);
assert_eq!(341, metadata.height);
assert_eq!(vec![b"Buttercups".to_vec()], metadata.comments);


  • An image’s dimensions, along with any comments found in the data.



  • Reads the dimensions and comments of an image from a byte slice.
  • Reads the dimensions and comments of an image from a file.