
  • Mapping between a source PointAttributeMember and a target PointAttributeMember. This type stores all the necessary data to convert a single source attribute value into the target attribute. It supports type conversion and transformations
  • A converter that can convert a point buffer from one PointLayout into another. This works by defining mappings between attributes from the source buffer and attributes in the target buffer. All mappings together define the way the source PointLayout transforms into the target PointLayout. Here is an example:
  • Helper struct that encapsulates all RawAttributeConverters necessary for converting a point in a specific layout


  • Unit conversion function (when from and to represent the same datatype)
  • Returns a conversion function for converting from from_attribute into to_attribute. Both attributes must have the same name but can have different datatypes. Conversion functions operate on raw byte buffers, where the first argument is a buffer that represents a single value of from_attribute and the second buffer is a single mutable value of to_attribute. If both attributes are equal, None is returned.
  • Returns a generic converter that can convert between primitive types. These functions implement primitive type conversions as if using the as operator, using the num_traits::AsPrimitive trait

Type Aliases

  • Function pointer type for functions that convert between attributes with different datatypes