Crate partiql_logical

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A PartiQL logical plan.

This module contains the structures for a PartiQL logical plan. Three main entities in the module are LogicalPlan, BindingsOp, and ValueExpr. LogicalPlan represents a graph based logical plan. BindingsOp represent operations that operate on binding tuples and ValueExpr represents PartiQL expressions that produce PartiQL values; all as specified in PartiQL Specification 2019.

Plan graph nodes are called operators and edges are called flows re-instating the fact that the plan captures data flows for a given PartiQL statement.


  • An SQL aggregation function call with its arguments
  • Represents a PartiQL bag expression, e.g. <<a.c * 2, 5>>.
  • Represents a PartiQL BETWEEN expression, e.g. BETWEEN 500 AND 600.
  • Represents a CALL expression (i.e., a function call), e.g. LOWER("ALL CAPS").
  • Represents a COALESCE expression, e.g. COALESCE(NULL, 10) in SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 10) FROM data.
  • Represents an expression query e.g. a * 2 in a * 2 or an expression like 2+2.
  • Filter represents a filter operator, e.g. WHERE a = 10 in SELECT a FROM t WHERE a = 10.
  • Represents GROUP BY <group_key>[, <group_key>] … [AS <as_alias>]
  • Having represents the having operator, e.g. HAVING a = 10 in SELECT b FROM t GROUP BY a, b HAVING a = 10.
  • Represents an IS expression, e.g. IS TRUE.
  • [’Join] represents a join operator, e.g. implicit CROSS JOINspecified by comma inFROMclause inSELECT t1.a, t2.b FROM tbl1 AS t1, tbl2 AS t2`.
  • Represents a LIKE expression where both the pattern and escape are string literals, e.g. 'foo%' ESCAPE '/'
  • Represents a LIKE expression where one of pattern and escape is not a string literal, e.g. some_pattern ESCAPE '/'
  • LimitOffset represents a possible limit and/or offset operator, e.g. LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5 in SELECT a FROM t LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5.
  • Represents a PartiQL list expression, e.g. [a.c * 2, 5].
  • Represents a PartiQL logical plan.
  • Represents a NULLIF expression, e.g. NULLIF(v1, v2) in SELECT NULLIF(v1, v2) FROM data.
  • Represents an operator identifier in a LogicalPlan
  • OrderBy represents a sort operatyion, e.g. ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST in SELECT a FROM t ORDER BY a DESC NULLS LAST.
  • Represents a PartiQL Pattern Match expression, e.g. 'foo' LIKE 'foo'.
  • Pivot represents a PIVOT operator, e.g. PIVOT sp.price AT sp."symbol in PIVOT sp.price AT sp."symbol" FROM todaysStockPrices sp. For Pivot operational semantics, see section 6.2 of PartiQL Specification — August 1, 2019.
  • Represents a projection, e.g. SELECT a in SELECT a FROM t.
  • Represents a value projection (SELECT VALUE) e.g. SELECT VALUE t.a * 2 in SELECT VALUE t.a * 2 IN tbl AS t.
  • Scan bridges from ValueExprs to BindingsOps.
  • Represents a PartiQL’s searched case expressions, e.g.CASE [ WHEN <expr> THEN <expr> ]... [ ELSE <expr> ] END.
  • Represents a PartiQL’s simple case expressions, e.g.CASE <expr> [ WHEN <expr> THEN <expr> ]... [ ELSE <expr> ] END.
  • Represents a PartiQL sort specification.
  • Represents a sub-query expression, e.g. SELECT v.a*2 AS u FROM t AS v in SELECT t.a, s FROM data AS t, (SELECT v.a*2 AS u FROM t AS v) AS s
  • Represents a PartiQL tuple expression, e.g: { a.b: a.c * 2, 'count': a.c + 10}.
  • Unpivot bridges from ValueExprs to BindingsOps.
