Crate partial_eq_dyn

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This is the first crate I published so I am new to making things production ready. Therefore use this crate with caution and feedback is welcome.


Implement the DynPartialEq trait with explicit casting to enable comparison between any dyn objects. There also is an associated derive crate partial_eq_dyn_derive that derives the component wise implementation of PartialEq and uses dyn_eq for all dyn_objects. Simply set AsAny and DynPartialEq as supertraits of all traits you want to use and then derive PartialEqDyn on all types you want to compare and that contain those traits. AsAny and DynPartialEq also can be derived automatically.

AsAny for example can be implemented like this.

use std::any::Any;
use partial_eq_dyn::AsAny;
struct Test;
impl AsAny for Test{
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
let test_any: &dyn Any = Test.as_any();

And DynPartialEq can be implemented like this

use std::any::Any;
use partial_eq_dyn::{DynPartialEq, AsAny};

trait TestTrait: DynPartialEq + AsAny{}

struct Test;
impl TestTrait for Test{}
impl AsAny for Test{
   fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
impl DynPartialEq for Test{
    fn dyn_eq(&self, other: &dyn Any) -> bool {
            .map_or(false, |other| self == other)


  • Use this to implement the functionality to cast any type zu a &dyn Any. Implement simply with:
  • Use this to implement the functionality to compare a Type to an Any Object. Most of the times you want your own type to also be an AsAny implementor so the implementation of DynPartialEq becomes a simple downcast like this: