[][src]Module parsec_service::key_info_managers::on_disk_manager

A key info manager storing key triple to key info mapping on files on disk

The path where the mappings should be stored is configurable. Because of possible data races, there should not be two instances of this manager pointing to the same mapping folder at a time. Methods modifying the mapping will also block until the modifications are done on disk to be ensured to not lose mappings. Because application and key names can contain any UTF-8 characters, those strings are converted to base64 strings so that they can be used as filenames. Because of filenames limitations, some very long UTF-8 names might not be able to be represented as a filename and will fail. For example, for operating systems having a limit of 255 characters for filenames (Unix systems), names will be limited to 188 bytes of UTF-8 characters. For security reasons, only the PARSEC service should have the ability to modify these files.



A key info manager storing key triple to key info mapping on files on disk


OnDiskKeyInfoManager builder



Default path where the mapping files will be stored on disk