Module parse_zoneinfo::transitions[][src]

Generating timespan sets from a built Table.

Once a table has been fully built, it needs to be turned into several fixed timespan sets: a series of spans of time where the local time offset remains the same throughout. One set is generated for each named time zone. These timespan sets can then be iterated over to produce transitions: when the local time changes from one offset to another.

These sets are returned as FixedTimespanSet values, rather than iterators, because the generation logic does not output the timespans in any particular order, meaning they need to be sorted before they’re returned—so we may as well just return the vector, rather than an iterator over the vector.

Similarly, there is a fixed set of years that is iterated over (currently 1800..2100), rather than having an iterator that produces timespans indefinitely. Not only do we need a complete set of timespans for sorting, but it is not necessarily advisable to rely on offset changes so far into the future!


The complete definition of the Indian/Mauritius time zone, as specified in the africa file in my version of the tz database, has two Zone definitions, one of which refers to four Rule definitions:

# Rule      NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
Rule Mauritius      1982    only    -       Oct     10      0:00    1:00    S
Rule Mauritius      1983    only    -       Mar     21      0:00    0       -
Rule Mauritius      2008    only    -       Oct     lastSun 2:00    1:00    S
Rule Mauritius      2009    only    -       Mar     lastSun 2:00    0       -

# Zone      NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
Zone Indian/Mauritius       3:50:00 -       LMT     1907   # Port Louis
                            4:00 Mauritius  MU%sT          # Mauritius Time

To generate a fixed timespan set for this timezone, we examine each of the Zone definitions, generating at least one timespan for each definition.

  • The first timespan describes the local mean time (LMT) in Mauritius, calculated by the geographical position of Port Louis, its capital. Although it’s common to have a timespan set begin with a city’s local mean time, it is by no means necessary. This timespan has a fixed offset of three hours and fifty minutes ahead of UTC, and lasts until the beginning of 1907, at which point the second timespan kicks in.
  • The second timespan has no ‘until’ date, so it’s in effect indefinitely. Instead of having a fixed offset, it refers to the set of rules under the name “Mauritius”, which we’ll have to consult to compute the timespans.
    • The first two rules refer to a summer time transition that began on the 10th of October 1982, and lasted until the 21st of March 1983. But before we get onto that, we need to add a timespan beginning at the time the last one ended (1907), up until the point Summer Time kicks in (1982), reflecting that it was four hours ahead of UTC.
    • After this, we add another timespan for Summer Time, when Mauritius was an extra hour ahead, bringing the total offset for that time to five hours.
    • The next (and last) two rules refer to another summer time transition from the last Sunday of October 2008 to the last Sunday of March 2009, this time at 2am local time instead of midnight. But, as before, we need to add a standard time timespan beginning at the time Summer Time ended (1983) up until the point the next span of Summer Time kicks in (2008), again reflecting that it was four hours ahead of UTC again.
    • Next, we add the Summer Time timespan, again bringing the total offset to five hours. We need to calculate when the last Sundays of the months are to get the dates correct.
    • Finally, we add one last standard time timespan, lasting from 2009 indefinitely, as the Mauritian authorities decided not to change to Summer Time again.

All this calculation results in the following six timespans to be added:

Timespan start Abbreviation UTC offset DST?
no start LMT 3 hours 50 minutes No
1906-11-31 T 20:10:00 UTC MUT 4 hours No
1982-09-09 T 20:00:00 UTC MUST 5 hours Yes
1983-02-20 T 19:00:00 UTC MUT 4 hours No
2008-09-25 T 22:00:00 UTC MUST 5 hours Yes
2009-02-28 T 21:00:00 UTC MUT 4 hours No

There are a few final things of note:

Firstly, this library records the times that timespans begin, while the tz data files record the times that timespans end. Pay attention to this if the timestamps aren’t where you expect them to be! For example, in the data file, the first zone rule has an ‘until’ date and the second has none, whereas in the list of timespans, the last timespan has a ‘start’ date and the first has none.

Secondly, although local mean time in Mauritius lasted until 1907, the timespan is recorded as ending in 1906! Why is this? It’s because the transition occurred at midnight at the local time, which in this case, was three hours fifty minutes ahead of UTC. So that time has to be subtracted from the date, resulting in twenty hours and ten minutes on the last day of the year. Similar things happen on the rest of the transitions, being either four or five hours ahead of UTC.

The logic in this file is based off of zic.c, which comes with the zoneinfo files and is in the public domain.



An individual timespan with a fixed offset.


A set of timespans, separated by the instances at which the timespans change over. There will always be one more timespan than transitions.



Trait to put the timespans method on Tables.