Function parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html[][src]

pub fn text_rawlinks2html<'a>(input: &'a str) -> String

Markup source code viewer

Markup source code viewer, that make hyperlinks clickable in your web-browser.

This function prints the input text “as it is”, but renders links with markup. Links are clickable.


use parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html;
use std::borrow::Cow;

let i = r#"abc[text0](dest0 "title0")abc
abc[text2](dest2 "title2")abc
[text3]: dest3 "title3"
[label1]: dest1 "title1"

let expected = "\
<pre>abc<a href=\"dest0\" title=\"title0\">[text0](dest0 \"title0\")</a>abc
abc<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">[text1][label1]</a>abc
abc<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"title2\">[text2](dest2 \"title2\")</a>abc
<a href=\"dest3\" title=\"title3\">[text3]: dest3 \"title3\"</a>
<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">[label1]: dest1 \"title1\"</a>
abc<a href=\"dest3\" title=\"title3\">[text3]</a>abc

let res = text_rawlinks2html(i);
assert_eq!(res, expected);

Rendered text

This is how the rendered text looks like in the browser:

abc[text0](dest0 "title0")abc
abc[text2](dest2 "title2")abc
[text3]: dest3 "title3"
[label1]: dest1 "title1"


use parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html;
use std::borrow::Cow;

let i = r#"
abc `text1 <label1_>`_abc
abc text2_ abc
abc text3__ abc
abc text_label4_ abc
abc text5__ abc
.. _label1: dest1
.. _text2: dest2
.. __: dest3
__ dest5

let expected = "\
abc <a href=\"dest1\" title=\"\">`text1 &lt;label1_&gt;`_</a>abc
abc <a href=\"dest2\" title=\"\">text2_</a> abc
abc <a href=\"dest3\" title=\"\">text3__</a> abc
abc text_label4_ abc
abc <a href=\"dest5\" title=\"\">text5__</a> abc
<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"\">.. _label1: dest1</a>
<a href=\"dest2\" title=\"\">.. _text2: dest2</a>
<a href=\"dest3\" title=\"\">.. __: dest3</a>
<a href=\"dest5\" title=\"\">__ dest5</a>

let res = text_rawlinks2html(i);
assert_eq!(res, expected);

Rendered text

This is how the rendered text look likes in the browser:

abc `text1 <label1_>`_abc
abc text2_ abc
abc text3__ abc
abc text_label4_ abc
abc text5__ abc
.. _label1: dest1
.. _text2: dest2
.. __: dest3
__ dest5


use parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html;
use std::borrow::Cow;

let i = r#"abc https://dest0[text0]abc
abc link:https://dest1[text1]abc
:label2: https://dest2
:label3: https://dest3

let expected = "\
<pre>abc <a href=\"https://dest0\" title=\"\">https://dest0[text0]</a>abc
abc <a href=\"https://dest1\" title=\"\">link:https://dest1[text1]</a>abc
abc<a href=\"https://dest2\" title=\"\">{label2}[text2]</a>abc
abc<a href=\"https://dest3\" title=\"\">{label3}</a>abc
<a href=\"https://dest2\" title=\"\">:label2: https://dest2</a>
<a href=\"https://dest3\" title=\"\">:label3: https://dest3</a>

let res = text_rawlinks2html(i);
assert_eq!(res, expected);

Rendered text

This is how the rendered text looks like in the browser:

abc https://dest0[text0]abc
abc link:https://dest1[text1]abc
:label2: https://dest2
:label3: https://dest3


HTML inline links are sanitized and their link source code is shown as link text.

use parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html;
use std::borrow::Cow;

let i = r#"abc<a href="dest1" title="title1">text1</a>abc"#;

let expected = "\
<pre>abc<a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\">\
&lt;a href=\"dest1\" title=\"title1\"&gt;text1&lt;/a&gt;\

let res = text_rawlinks2html(i);
assert_eq!(res, expected);

Rendered text

This is how the rendered text looks like in the browser:

abc<a href="dest1" title="title1">text1</a>abc