Module parquet::schema[][src]

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Parquet schema definitions and methods to print and parse schema.


use parquet::{
    basic::{ConvertedType, Repetition, Type as PhysicalType},
    schema::{parser, printer, types::Type},
use std::sync::Arc;

// Create the following schema:
// message schema {
//   REQUIRED INT32 b;
// }

let field_a = Type::primitive_type_builder("a", PhysicalType::BYTE_ARRAY)

let field_b = Type::primitive_type_builder("b", PhysicalType::INT32)

let schema = Type::group_type_builder("schema")
    .with_fields(&mut vec![Arc::new(field_a), Arc::new(field_b)])

let mut buf = Vec::new();

// Print schema into buffer
printer::print_schema(&mut buf, &schema);

// Parse schema from the string
let string_schema = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
let parsed_schema = parser::parse_message_type(&string_schema).unwrap();

assert_eq!(schema, parsed_schema);


Parquet schema parser. Provides methods to parse and validate string message type into Parquet Type.

Parquet schema printer. Provides methods to print Parquet file schema and list file metadata.

Contains structs and methods to build Parquet schema and schema descriptors.