Expand description

Contains reader which reads parquet data into arrow RecordBatch


A generic builder for constructing sync or async arrow parquet readers. This is not intended to be used directly, instead you should use the specialization for the type of reader you wish to use

Options that control how metadata is read for a parquet file

An ArrowReader that can be used to synchronously read parquet data as RecordBatch

An Iterator<Item = ArrowResult<RecordBatch>> that yields RecordBatch read from a parquet data source

A RowFilter allows pushing down a filter predicate to skip IO and decode

RowSelection allows selecting or skipping a provided number of rows when scanning the parquet file.

RowSelection is a collection of RowSelector used to skip rows when scanning a parquet file


A predicate operating on RecordBatch


Arrow reader api. With this api, user can get arrow schema from parquet file, and read parquet data into arrow arrays.

Type Definitions

A synchronous builder used to construct ParquetRecordBatchReader for a file