Expand description

Integration layer between tracing and Android logs.

This crate provides a MakeWriter suitable for writing Android logs.

It is designed as an integration with the fmt subscriber from tracing-subscriber and as such inherits all of its features and customization options.



or with custom options and combined with other layers

use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter;
use tracing_subscriber::fmt::FmtSpan;
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;

let android_layer = paranoid_android::layer(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"))


Cargo features

  • api-30: Enables support for Android API level 30 and source location information


A MakeWriter suitable for writing Android logs.

The writer produced by AndroidLogMakeWriter.



Creates a Subscriber with the given tag and attempts to set it as the global default subscriber in the current scope, panicking if this fails.

Returns a new formatting layer with the given tag, which can be composed with other layers to construct a Subscriber.

Returns a new formatting layer with the given tag and using the given Android log buffer, which can be composed with other layers to construct a Subscriber.

Type Definitions

A Layer that writes formatted representations of tracing events as Android logs.