Crate paradis

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Parallel processing with disjoint indices.

paradis is currently at an early, experimental stage. Test coverage is deliberately poor in order to make it easier to iterate on the overall design. Community feedback is very welcome!

paradis makes it easier to implement non-trivial parallel algorithms that require access to a subset of indices into data structures that are structurally similar to multidimensional arrays. It does so by providing abstractions at incrementally higher levels:

  1. A low-level, unsafe abstraction for unsynchronized access to independent records of a collection.
  2. Higher-level abstractions built on top of the unsafe base layer that allow many parallel access patterns to be expressed in safe code, or with a minimum of unsafe code.

The low-level abstractions are provided by the very lightweight paradis-core crate. Library authors are encouraged to depend only on this crate in order to expose their data structures for parallel access.

Please check out the blog post Enter paradis — A new chapter in Rust’s parallelism story for a discussion of the motivation and ideas behind paradis.

To use paradis, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

paradis = 0.2.1

# if you need to use rayon iterators
paradis = { version = 0.2.1, features = ['rayon'] }

§Low-level unsynchronized access

Consider a toy problem in which we want to access every even and odd entry in a slice with separate threads. This seemingly simple task is surprisingly tricky in Rust, because we can not use split_at_mut to obtain disjoint mutable portions of the slice, and have to result to pointer manipulation in order to avoid obtaining two mutable references to the same object, which would be instant UB. With low-level primitives in paradis, we can write the code in a more straightforward way, resembling how you might resolve the issue in C++.

use paradis_core::{BoundedParAccess, IntoParAccess};
use std::thread::scope;

let mut data = vec![0; 100];
let n = data.len();
let access = data.into_par_access();

scope(|s| {
    s.spawn(|| {
        // The first thread touches elements at even indices
        for i in (0 .. n).step_by(2) {
            unsafe { *access.get_unsync(i) = 1; }

    s.spawn(|| {
        // The second thread touches elements at odd indices
        for i in (1 .. n).step_by(2) {
            unsafe { *access.get_unsync(i) = 2; }

A key motivation of the low-level abstraction layer is the separation between data structure access and indexing. The necessary pointer manipulation is contained entirely inside the trait implementation of ParAccess and BoundedParAccess for slices, leaving the user only with the responsibility to ensure that the indexing is correct. In this example, this means that the two threads access non-overlapping subsets of the indices.

Though unsafe, this example still exhibits some level of safety not present in analogous C++ code. For one, obtaining the access borrows data mutably, and by the requirements of the ParAccess trait, the collection can not be modified as long as an access has been obtained. Therefore, it’s not possible for the user to accidentally modify the collection by adding/removing entries during iteration. Additionally, we require the records to be Send, so in the example above, compilation will fail if the record type can not safely be moved between threads.

§Safe parallel access with index lists

Once the access traits have been implemented for a particular data structure, we can build abstractions on top that facilitate safe parallel access to arbitrary indices. Not every access pattern can be immediately accommodated, but the vision for paradis is to over time grow the set of patterns that can be expressed with safe code, and otherwise reduce the amount of unsafe code necessary to accommodate the rest.

The access implementations for a collection encapsulate all the internal unsafe details necessary to expose parallel access to the collection. It is then the responsibility of the user to ensure that the indices used for indexing into the collection are in bounds and unique.

The contrived example that we used in the previous section can not be expressed safely with the current version of paradis. However, this will be possible with features planned for a future release. Instead, in this section, we will focus on a more common problem: how can we mutate a subset of our collection in parallel, where the subset is described by a list of unique indices? Consider the following code.

use paradis::index::{IndexList, narrow_access};
use paradis::rayon::create_par_iter;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;

let mut data = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
let indices = vec![4, 7, 1].check_unique().expect("Indices are unique");
let access = narrow_access(data.as_mut_slice(), &indices)
    .expect("Indices are in bounds of the data structure");
create_par_iter(access).for_each(|x_i| *x_i = 0);

assert_eq!(data, vec![0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 0, 8, 9]);

The above code shows how we can replace the value of selected integers in a slice in parallel. A central idea here is the act of narrowing an access to a subset described by a UniqueIndexList. This creates a new access, which represents a conceptual collection of records located at the provided indices in the original collection.

However, the vector of indices at first only satisfies the IndexList trait, which does not guarantee uniqueness. To use the indices in a narrowing operation, we must prove to the compiler that they are truly unique. The .check_unique() call turns an instance of IndexList into an instance of UniqueIndexList.

Checking that indices are unique is not free. We must, at the very least, visit all indices in the list upfront. In many cases, the set of indices we want to access is structured. An example of a structured index list is a range start .. end. The indices in the range are unique by construction, and can therefore serve as input for narrowing an access object.

Structured index lists are somewhat less common in one dimension, but the utility is immediately clear in higher dimensions. For example, consider the following example of mutating the first superdiagonal of an nalgebra matrix:

use nalgebra::dmatrix;
use paradis::index::{IndexList, narrow_access};
use paradis::rayon::create_par_iter;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;

// Access implementation omitted
use paradis_demo::DMatrixParAccessMut;

let mut matrix = dmatrix![1, 1, 1, 1, 1;
                          1, 1, 1, 1, 1;
                          1, 1, 1, 1, 1];

// Superdiagonal indices are [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
let superdiagonal_indices = (0 .. 3).index_zip(1 .. 4);
let access = DMatrixParAccessMut::from_matrix_mut(&mut matrix);
let superdiagonal_access = narrow_access(access, &superdiagonal_indices)
    .expect("Indices are in bounds");

create_par_iter(superdiagonal_access).for_each(|x_ij| *x_ij = 0);

           dmatrix![1, 0, 1, 1, 1;
                    1, 1, 0, 1, 1;
                    1, 1, 1, 0, 1]);

In the above example, we constructed the indices of the superdiagonal by zipping two one-dimensional index lists, creating a new list of two-dimensional indices. The resulting indices are unique if either of the two index lists is unique, and therefore we can directly use it for parallel iteration without further checking.

index_zip is an example of an index combinator. With combinators, we can prove to the compiler that an index list has unique indices. Most combinators maintain uniqueness under certain conditions. For example:

  • index_zip is unique if one of the lists is unique (with some restrictions, see docs).
  • index_product, a Cartesian product of index lists, is unique if both of the lists are unique.
  • index_transpose is unique if the input list is unique.
  • and so on. See the documentation for index combinators in IndexList for more information.

Since combinators are binary operators that produce nested tuples when chained together, you may need to use index_flatten when working with indices of three or more dimensions.

There are however significant limitations in the patterns that can be currently expressed. For example, imagine that we wanted to mutate over the first superdiagonal and the first subdiagonal in the previous example. Simply concatenating lists together does not preserve uniqueness, and so it is not quite clear how to do so in a fashion that avoids runtime checking or an unsafe escape hatch.

The vision for paradis is for the set of structured index lists that can be expressed with safe combinators to expand over time, in order to cover more use cases.


Error types used throughout the library.
Construction of index lists, and facilities for access narrowing.
Functionality for constructing sequential iterators.
Interoperability with rayon parallel iterators.
Core primitives for slices.


Bounds associated with an index type.


Unsynchronized access to a bounded collection.
Enables conversion of indices.
A type that can be converted into a parallel access object.
An unsynchronized access to an array-like structure, indexed by usize.
Unsynchronized access to records in a collection.
A type suitable for use as an index into a collection of records.