Type Definition panda_sys::GOptionArgFunc[][src]

type GOptionArgFunc = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(option_name: *const gchar, value: *const gchar, data: gpointer, error: *mut *mut GError) -> gboolean>;
Expand description

GOptionArgFunc: @option_name: The name of the option being parsed. This will be either a single dash followed by a single letter (for a short name) or two dashes followed by a long option name. @value: The value to be parsed. @data: User data added to the #GOptionGroup containing the option when it was created with g_option_group_new() @error: A return location for errors. The error code %G_OPTION_ERROR_FAILED is intended to be used for errors in #GOptionArgFunc callbacks.

The type of function to be passed as callback for %G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK options.

Returns: %TRUE if the option was successfully parsed, %FALSE if an error occurred, in which case @error should be set with g_set_error()