[−][src]Crate pallet_dapps_staking
Plasm Staking Module
The Plasm staking module manages era, total amounts of rewards and how to distribute.
pub use parameters::StakingParameters; |
pub use rewards::ComputeRewardsForDapps; |
parameters | Plasm Staking Parameters |
rewards | This is explains plasm inflation models. The staking has 2 kinds. |
Bonded | Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account. |
ContractsUntreatedEra | |
EraStakingPoints | Reward points of an era. Used to split era total payout between dapps rewards. |
ErasContractsParameters | Similarly to |
ErasStakingPoints | Rewards of stakers for contracts(called by "Dapps Nominator") at era. |
ErasTotalStake | The total amount staked for the last |
GenesisConfig | Genesis config for the module, allow to build genesis storage. |
Ledger | Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking. |
Module | |
Nominations | A record of the nominations made by a specific account. |
NominatorsUntreatedEra | |
OperatorsUntreatedEra | |
Payee | Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash. |
StakingLedger | The ledger of a (bonded) stash. |
UnlockChunk | Just a Balance/BlockNumber tuple to encode when a chunk of funds will be unlocked. |
UntreatedEra | The already untreated era is EraIndex. |
Call | Dispatchable calls. |
Error | Error for the staking module. |
Forcing | Mode of era-forcing. |
RawEvent | Events for this module. |
RewardDestination | A destination account for payment. |
Trait |
Type Definitions
BalanceOf | |
Event | |
MomentOf | |
SessionIndex | Simple index type with which we can count sessions. |