Type Alias pallet_broker::InstaPoolHistoryRecordOf

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pub type InstaPoolHistoryRecordOf<T> = InstaPoolHistoryRecord<BalanceOf<T>>;

Aliased Type§

struct InstaPoolHistoryRecordOf<T> {
    pub private_contributions: u32,
    pub system_contributions: u32,
    pub maybe_payout: Option<<<T as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>,


§private_contributions: u32

The total amount of Coretime (measured in Core Mask Bits minus any contributions which have already been paid out.

§system_contributions: u32

The total amount of Coretime (measured in Core Mask Bits contributed by the Polkadot System in this timeslice.

§maybe_payout: Option<<<T as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>

The payout remaining for the private_contributions, or None if the revenue is not yet known.