[][src]Module palaver::env

Inspect the process's environment.

This library goes further than the stdlib to get arguments and environment variables, including reading from /proc/self/cmdline and similar.

This is helpful for library crates that don't want to require them to be passed down to the library by the user; particularly if called from a non-Rust application where the Rust stdlib hasn't had a chance to capture them from the int main (int argc, char *argv[]) invocation thus breaking std::env::args().


use std::io::Read;
use palaver::env::exe;

let mut current_binary = vec![];
exe().unwrap().read_to_end(&mut current_binary).unwrap();
println!("Current binary is {} bytes long!", current_binary.len());
use palaver::env;

pub fn my_library_func() {
    let args = env::args();
    let vars = env::vars();



Returns the arguments which this program was started with (normally passed via the command line).


Returns the arguments which this program was started with (normally passed via the command line).


Returns a File of the currently running executable. Akin to fd::File::open("/proc/self/exe") on Linux.


Returns the path of the currently running executable. On Linux this is /proc/self/exe.


Returns a vector of (variable, value) pairs of strings, for all the environment variables of the current process.


Returns a vector of (variable, value) pairs of OS strings, for all the environment variables of the current process.