Expand description

ZK-proof for factoring of a RSA modulus. Called Пfac or Rfac in the CGGMP21 paper.


A party P has a modulus N = pq. P wants to prove to a verifier V that p and q are sufficiently large without disclosing p or q, with p and q each no larger than sqrt(N) * 2^l, or equivalently no smaller than sqrt(N) / 2^l


use rug::{Integer, Complete};
use paillier_zk::no_small_factor::non_interactive as p;

let shared_state_prover = sha2::Sha256::default();
let shared_state_verifier = sha2::Sha256::default();
let mut rng = rand_core::OsRng;

// 0. Setup: prover and verifier share common Ring-Pedersen parameters, and
// agree on the level of security

let aux: p::Aux = pregenerated::verifier_aux();
let security = p::SecurityParams {
    l: 4,
    epsilon: 128,
    q: (Integer::ONE << 128_u32).complete(),

// 1. Prover prepares the data to obtain proof about

let p = fast_paillier::utils::generate_safe_prime(&mut rng, 256);
let q = fast_paillier::utils::generate_safe_prime(&mut rng, 256);
let n = (&p * &q).complete();
let n_root = n.sqrt_ref().complete();
let data = p::Data {
    n: &n,
    n_root: &n_root,

// 2. Prover computes a non-interactive proof that both factors are large enough

let proof = p::prove(
    p::PrivateData { p: &p, q: &q },

// 4. Prover sends this data to verifier

send(data.n, &proof);

// 5. Verifier receives the data and the proof and verifies it

let (n, proof) = recv();
let n_root = n.sqrt_ref().complete();;
let data = p::Data {
    n: &n,
    n_root: &n_root,
p::verify(shared_state_verifier, &aux, data, &security, &proof)?;

If the verification succeeded, verifier can continue communication with prover



  • Auxiliary data known to both prover and verifier
  • Prover’s first message, obtained by interactive::commit
  • Public data that both parties know
  • Error indicating that proof is invalid
  • Prover’s data accompanying the commitment. Kept as state between rounds in the interactive protocol.
  • Private data of prover
  • The ZK proof, computed by interactive::prove
  • Security parameters for proof. Choosing the values is a tradeoff between speed and chance of rejecting a valid proof or accepting an invalid proof

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