pub extern "C" fn pactffi_verifier_broker_source_with_selectors(
    handle: *mut VerifierHandle,
    url: *const c_char,
    username: *const c_char,
    password: *const c_char,
    token: *const c_char,
    enable_pending: c_uchar,
    include_wip_pacts_since: *const c_char,
    provider_tags: *const *const c_char,
    provider_tags_len: c_ushort,
    provider_branch: *const c_char,
    consumer_version_selectors: *const *const c_char,
    consumer_version_selectors_len: c_ushort,
    consumer_version_tags: *const *const c_char,
    consumer_version_tags_len: c_ushort
Expand description

Adds a Pact broker as a source to verify. This will fetch all the pact files from the broker that match the provider name and the consumer version selectors (See https://docs.pact.io/pact_broker/advanced_topics/consumer_version_selectors/).

The consumer version selectors must be passed in in JSON format.

enable_pending is a boolean value. Set it to greater than zero to turn the option on.

If the include_wip_pacts_since option is provided, it needs to be a date formatted in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).

If a username and password is given, then basic authentication will be used when fetching the pact file. If a token is provided, then bearer token authentication will be used.


All string fields must contain valid UTF-8. Invalid UTF-8 will be replaced with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.