[][src]Static p5_sys::global::keyPressed

pub static keyPressed: KeyPressedInternalType

The keyPressed() function is called once every time a key is pressed. The keyCode for the key that was pressed is stored in the keyCode variable.

For non-ASCII keys, use the keyCode variable. You can check if the keyCode equals BACKSPACE, DELETE, ENTER, RETURN, TAB, ESCAPE, SHIFT, CONTROL, OPTION, ALT, UP_ARROW, DOWN_ARROW, LEFT_ARROW, RIGHT_ARROW.

For ASCII keys, the key that was pressed is stored in the key variable. However, it does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase. For this reason, it is recommended to use keyTyped() to read the key variable, in which the case of the variable will be distinguished.

Because of how operating systems handle key repeats, holding down a key may cause multiple calls to keyTyped() (and keyReleased() as well). The rate of repeat is set by the operating system and how each computer is configured.

Browsers may have different default behaviors attached to various key events. To prevent any default behavior for this event, add "return false" to the end of the method.


let value = 0;
function draw() {
  rect(25, 25, 50, 50);
function keyPressed() {
  if (value === 0) {
    value = 255;
  } else {
    value = 0;
let value = 0;
function draw() {
  rect(25, 25, 50, 50);
function keyPressed() {
  if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
    value = 255;
  } else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
    value = 0;
function keyPressed() {
  // Do something
  return false; // prevent any default behaviour