macro_rules! op_tests_mod {
    ( $($target:expr => $level:ident),* ) => { ... };
Expand description

Generates a module named tests, which provides test support functionality.

  • run_test function ensures logging is configured for the log crate
    • the root log level will be set to Warn
    • the crate’s log level will be set to Debug
  • run_test function will log the test execution time
  • run_test will be bound to the crate’s root path, i.e., it can be invoked as ::run_test("test_name",|| { ... }), but annotated with #[cfg(test)]. Thus, it will only be available when running tests.


extern crate oysterpack_testing;


fn foo_test() {
    ::run_test("foo_test", || info!("SUCCESS"));

Example - configuring target log levels

extern crate oysterpack_testing;

op_tests_mod! {
    "foo" => Info,
    "bar" => Error

fn foo_test() {
    ::run_test("foo_test", || info!(target: "foo", "SUCCESS"));

  • in the above example, the foo target log level is set to Info and the bar target log level is set to Error