Expand description

Oyasumi is an wrapper for various APIs that relate to Animanga content.

This library aims to standarize the interactions with different APIs that can be used in projects by providing structures and functions to handle the task of fetching, filtering and mapping the information avaliable from the APIs.

A full list of the APIs and supported features this project uses can be found at the apis section in this project’s README.

Image is the struct that all images will be mapped to.

Important properties from this struct are post_url which is a link to the place where the image was found originally, ideally it corresponds to the source. preview_url which is a link to a dowscaled version of the image, perfect for thumbnails and previews where the full resolution isn’t necessary. Lastly there’s is img_url which is the link to the image in the API’s database.

A more throughout explanation can be found in the examples directory of the repository


To install this library add this to Cargo.toml

oyasumi = "0.1"

This library uses async functions, it is necessary to an async runtime. A popular choice is tokio, a minimum installation could look like

tokio = {version = "1", features = ["macros", "signal", "rt-multi-thread"]}

Additionally this library logs some of its activity for ease of debugging using the log crate.

Getting started

To get started you can get a random sfw image with Image::fetch_sfw() which will get a random safe for work image from a random API

    let img = Image::fetch_sfw().await;
    // Example data
    assert_eq!(img.img_url, "https://cdn.waifu.im/e6975bf3222e9074.jpg")
