Module oxygengine_physics_2d::prelude::volumetric[][src]

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Volume and inertia tensor computation.


Trait implemented by inertia tensors.

Trait implemented by objects which have a mass, a center of mass, and an inertia tensor.


The area of a ball.

The center of mass of a ball.

The unit angular inertia of a ball.

The volume of a ball.

The area of a cone.

The center of mass of a cone.

The unit angular inertia of a cone.

The volume of a cone.

The area of a convex hull.

The center of mass of the convex hull of a set of points.

The angular inertia of the convex hull of a set of points.

The volume of the convex hull of a set of points.

The area and center of mass of a 2D convex Polyline.

The area of a convex polyline.

The mass properties of a 2D convex Polyline.

The area of a cuboid.

The center of mass of a cuboid.

The unit angular inertia of a cuboid.

The volume of a cuboid.

The area of a cylinder.

The center of mass of a cylinder.

The unit angular inertia of a cylinder.

The volume of a cylinder.