[][src]Function oxygengine_physics_2d::prelude::ncollide2d::query::algorithms::gjk::directional_distance

pub fn directional_distance<N, G1, G2>(
    m1: &Isometry<N, U2, Unit<Complex<N>>>,
    g1: &G1,
    m2: &Isometry<N, U2, Unit<Complex<N>>>,
    g2: &G2,
    dir: &Matrix<N, U2, U1, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, U2, U1>>::Buffer>,
    simplex: &mut VoronoiSimplex<N>
) -> Option<(N, Matrix<N, U2, U1, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<N, U2, U1>>::Buffer>, Point<N, U2>, Point<N, U2>)> where
    G1: SupportMap<N> + ?Sized,
    G2: SupportMap<N> + ?Sized,
    N: RealField

Compute the normal and the distance that can travel g1 along the direction dir so that g1 and g2 just touch.