Expand description

A collection of iterators and traits that allow you to get owned chunks from collections (currently Vec and array)


use owned_chunks::OwnedChunks;

fn take_ownership(v: Vec<i32>) {
    // implementation

for (ix, chunk) in vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3, 4], vec![5, 6]].owned_chunks(2).enumerate() {
    match ix {
        0 => assert_eq!(&[vec![1, 2], vec![3, 4]], chunk.as_slice()),
        1 => assert_eq!(&[vec![5, 6]], chunk.as_slice()),
        _ => panic!("no more chunks expected"),

    for vec in chunk {


chunk iterators for arrays

chunk iterators for Vecs


A trait to get owned chunks from a collection. This is very similar to the slice::*chunks* family of functions except that the chunks will not be references/slices into the storage but iterators that yield the owned items inside it.

A variant of OwnedChunks with const chunk size; this primarily exists to allow storage size optimizations for types where storage size depends on a constant, like arrays. For further information see the docs of array::ArrayChunks.