
Issues a new raw request to the host environement using the specified data source ID and calldata, and assigns it to the given external ID. Must only be called during preparation phase.
Return the verification result of ecvrf given a pubkey, a vrf proof, and the corresponding result.
Returns the number of validators that report data to this oracle request. Must only be called during execution phase.
Returns the number of validators to asked to report data from raw requests.
Returns the raw calldata as specified when the oracle request is submitted.
Return the execute block time during the call of execution phase. Must only be called during execution phase.
Returns the data reported from the given validator index for the given external data ID. Result is OK if the validator reports data with zero return status, and Err otherwise. Must only be called during execution phase.
Returns the minimum number of data reports as specified by the oracle request.
Return the prepare block time as specified by the oracle request.
Saves the given data as the result of the oracle execution. Must only be called during execution phase and must be called exactly once.