
Used to return the post-distortion UVs for each color channel. UVs range from 0 to 1 with 0,0 in the upper left corner of the source render target. The 0,0 to 1,1 range covers a single eye.

The mesh to draw into the stencil (or depth) buffer to perform early stencil (or depth) kills of pixels that will never appear on the HMD. This mesh draws on all the pixels that will be hidden after distortion.

describes a single pose for a tracked object

Holds all the state of a controller at one moment in time.

An event posted by the server to all running applications

Defines the project used in an overlay that is using SetOverlayTransformProjection

Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the frame buffer.


Level of Hmd activity

Describes what specific role associated with a tracked device

Describes what kind of object is being tracked at a given ID

Each entry in this enum represents a property that can be retrieved about a tracked device. Many fields are only valid for one ETrackedDeviceClass.

Used to return errors that occur when reading properties.

Identifies which style of tracking origin the application wants to use for the poses it is requesting

enum values to pass in to VR_Init to identify whether the application will draw a 3D scene.

VR controller button and axis IDs

Identifies what kind of axis is on the controller at index n. Read this type with pVRSystem->Get( nControllerDeviceIndex, Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 + n );

The types of events that could be posted (and what the parameters mean for each event type)

error codes for firmware

error codes returned by Vr_Init

Errors that can occur around VR overlays

Overlay control settings

Types of input supported by VR Overlays

Allows the caller to figure out which overlay transform getter to call.



Returns the name of the enum value for an EVRInitError. This function may be called outside of VR_Init()/VR_Shutdown().

Finds the active installation of the VR API and initializes it. The provided path must be absolute or relative to the current working directory. These are the local install versions of the equivalent functions in steamvr.h and will work without a local Steam install.

unloads vrclient.dll. Any interface pointers from the interface are invalid after this point

Type Definitions

Used to pass device IDs to API calls

Holds all the state of a controller at one moment in time.

used to refer to a single VR overlay