Type Definition ovr_sys::ovrDebugHudStereoMode [] [src]

type ovrDebugHudStereoMode = i32;

Debug HUD is provided to help developers gauge and debug the fidelity of their app's stereo rendering characteristics. Using the provided quad and crosshair guides, the developer can verify various aspects such as VR tracking units (e.g. meters), stereo camera-parallax properties (e.g. making sure objects at infinity are rendered with the proper separation), measuring VR geometry sizes and distances and more.

App can toggle the debug HUD modes as such:

let debug_hud_mode = ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair;
ovr_SetInt(session, CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_MODE).as_ptr(), debug_hud_mode);

The app can modify the visual properties of the stereo guide (i.e. quad, crosshair) using the ovr_SetFloatArray function. For a list of tweakable properties, see the OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_* keys in the OVR_CAPI_Keys.h header file.