Function ovr_sys::ovr_GetPerfStats [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ovr_GetPerfStats(
    session: ovrSession,
    outStats: *mut ovrPerfStats
) -> ovrResult

Retrieves performance stats for the VR app as well as the SDK compositor.

If the app calling this function is not the one in focus (i.e. not visible in the HMD), then outStats will be zero'd out.

New stats are populated after each successive call to ovr_SubmitFrame. So the app should call this function on the same thread it calls ovr_SubmitFrame, preferably immediately afterwards.

session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.

out outStats Contains the performance stats for the application and SDK compositor

Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true upon success.

see ovrPerfStats, ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame, ovr_ResetPerfStats