Crate osmio

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Read and write OpenStreetMap files

Reading files

use osmio::prelude::*;

let mut reader = osmio::read_pbf("path/to/filename.osm.pbf")?;
for obj in reader.objects() {
    // ...


Changeset dump files

Base OpenStreetMap object types

OSC File format

PBF/Protobuf file format

Useful things for osmio

Misc local utilities

XML file format


Latitude and Longitude are stored internally as a 32-bit signed integer, in units of COORD_PRECISION_NANOS.

Latitude and Longitude are stored internally as a 32-bit signed integer, in units of COORD_PRECISION_NANOS.

Something that produces OSMObjects


A Node, Way or Relation

An error when trying to write from an OSMWriter

An error while trying to parse a string into a Lat or Lon

Timestamps can be stored as an ISO formatted string, or number of seconds since unix epoch


How many nanodegrees are represented by each unit in Lat::inner(). We use the same internal precision as, 100 nanodegrees.

Number of internal units (as returned from Lat::inner) in one degree.


A Node

Something which could be any one of the possible OSM objects

The basic metadata fields all OSM objects share

A Generic reader that reads OSM objects

A generic writer for OSM objects.

A Relation

A Way


Opens a PBF filename

Opens a bzip2 filename

The version string of this library.

Type Definitions

Type that stores the OSM Id