description of the OSCQuery Access Rules
The OSCAngle enum defines a set of units for angle measurements,
incl uding degrees and radians.
The OSCDistance enum defines a set of units for distance measurements,
including meters, kilometers, decimeters,
centimeters, millimeters, micrometers,
nanometers, picometers, inches,
feet, miles, and pixels.
The OSCGain enum defines a set of units for gain measurements,
including linear (normalized range mapping to (-inf 0dB]),
midigain (MIDI-adapted gain with recommended mapping),
db (clipped to a minimum headroom value),
and db-raw (not clipped).
The OSCSpeed enum defines a set of units for speed measurements,
including meters per second, miles per hour,
kilometers per hour, knots, feet per second,
feet per hour, and pixels per second.
The OSCTime enum defines a set of units for time and pitch measurements,
including seconds, bark, bpm, cents, hz,
mel, midinote (MIDI note convention),
milliseconds, speed, and samples.
The OSCUnit enum is a composite enum
that defines the unit types of measurements supported by the OSCQuery protocol.
It includes: