[][src]Crate os_str_bytes

Traits for converting between byte sequences and platform-native strings.

This crate allows interacting with the bytes stored internally by OsStr and OsString, without resorting to panics or data corruption for invalid UTF-8. Thus, methods can be used that are already defined on [u8] and Vec<u8>.

Typically, the only way to losslessly construct OsStr or OsString from a byte sequence is to use OsString::from(String::from(bytes)?), which requires the bytes to be valid in UTF-8. However, since this crate makes conversions directly between the platform encoding and raw bytes, even some strings invalid in UTF-8 can be converted.


All traits are sealed, meaning that they can only be implemented by this crate. Otherwise, backwards compatibility would be more difficult to maintain for new features.


The time complexities of methods will vary based on what functionality is available for the platform. The most efficient implementation will be used, but it is important to use the most applicable method. For example, OsStringBytes::from_vec will be at least as efficient as OsStringBytes::from_bytes, but the latter should be used when only a slice is available.


A moderately unsafe assumption is made that invalid characters created by [char::from_u32_unchecked] are partially usable. The alternative would be to always encode and decode strings manually, which would be more dangerous, as it would create a reliance on how the standard library encodes invalid UTF-8 strings.

The standard library [makes the same assumption][assumption], since there are no methods on u32 for encoding. Tests exist to validate the implementation in this crate.


use std::env::args_os;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::fs::write;

use os_str_bytes::OsStrBytes;

for file in args_os().skip(1) {
    if file.to_bytes().first() != Some(&b'-') {
        let string = "hello world";
        write(&file, string)?;
        assert_eq!(string, read_to_string(file)?);



The error that occurs when a byte sequence is not representable in the platform encoding.



A platform agnostic variant of OsStrExt.


A platform agnostic variant of OsStringExt.