1// Parts of tests and documentation that were copied from the rust code-base
2// are Copyright The Rust Project Developers, and licensed under the MIT or
3// Apache-2.0, license, like the rest of this project. See the LICENSE-MIT and
4// LICENSE-APACHE files at the root of this crate.
6//! OS-backed thread-local storage
8//! This crate provides a [`ThreadLocal`] type as an alternative to
9//! `std::thread_local!` that allows per-object thread-local storage, while
10//! providing a similar API. It always uses the thread-local storage primitives
11//! provided by the OS.
13//! On Unix systems, pthread-based thread-local storage is used.
15//! On Windows, fiber-local storage is used. This acts like thread-local
16//! storage when fibers are unused, but also provides per-fiber values
17//! after fibers are created with e.g. `winapi::um::winbase::CreateFiber`.
19//! See [`ThreadLocal`] for more details.
21//! [`ThreadLocal`]: struct.ThreadLocal.html
23//! The [`thread_local`](https://crates.io/crates/thread_local) crate also
24//! provides per-object thread-local storage, with a different API, and
25//! different features, but with more performance overhead than this one.
29use core::fmt;
30use core::ptr::NonNull;
31use std::boxed::Box;
32use std::error::Error;
35mod oskey {
36 use winapi::um::fibersapi;
38 pub(crate) type Key = winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD;
39 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
40 pub(crate) type c_void = winapi::ctypes::c_void;
42 #[inline]
43 pub(crate) unsafe fn create(dtor: Option<unsafe extern "system" fn(*mut c_void)>) -> Key {
44 fibersapi::FlsAlloc(dtor)
45 }
47 #[inline]
48 pub(crate) unsafe fn set(key: Key, value: *mut c_void) {
49 let r = fibersapi::FlsSetValue(key, value);
50 debug_assert_ne!(r, 0);
51 }
53 #[inline]
54 pub(crate) unsafe fn get(key: Key) -> *mut c_void {
55 fibersapi::FlsGetValue(key)
56 }
58 #[inline]
59 pub(crate) unsafe fn destroy(key: Key) {
60 let r = fibersapi::FlsFree(key);
61 debug_assert_ne!(r, 0);
62 }
66mod oskey {
67 use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
69 pub(crate) type Key = libc::pthread_key_t;
70 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
71 pub(crate) type c_void = core::ffi::c_void;
73 #[inline]
74 pub(crate) unsafe fn create(dtor: Option<unsafe extern "system" fn(*mut c_void)>) -> Key {
75 let mut key = MaybeUninit::uninit();
76 assert_eq!(
77 libc::pthread_key_create(key.as_mut_ptr(), mem::transmute(dtor)),
78 0
79 );
80 key.assume_init()
81 }
83 #[inline]
84 pub(crate) unsafe fn set(key: Key, value: *mut c_void) {
85 let r = libc::pthread_setspecific(key, value);
86 debug_assert_eq!(r, 0);
87 }
89 #[inline]
90 pub(crate) unsafe fn get(key: Key) -> *mut c_void {
91 libc::pthread_getspecific(key)
92 }
94 #[inline]
95 pub(crate) unsafe fn destroy(key: Key) {
96 let r = libc::pthread_key_delete(key);
97 debug_assert_eq!(r, 0);
98 }
101use oskey::c_void;
103/// A thread-local storage handle.
105/// In many ways, this struct works similarly to [`std::thread::LocalKey`], but
106/// always relies on OS primitives (see [module-level documentation](index.html)).
108/// The [`with`] method yields a reference to the contained value which cannot
109/// be sent across threads or escape the given closure.
111/// # Initialization and Destruction
113/// Initialization is dynamically performed on the first call to [`with`]
114/// within a thread, and values that implement [`Drop`] get destructed when a
115/// thread exits. Some caveats apply, which are explained below.
117/// A `ThreadLocal`'s initializer cannot recursively depend on itself, and
118/// using a `ThreadLocal` in this way will cause the initializer to infinitely
119/// recurse on the first call to [`with`].
121/// [`std::thread::LocalKey`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/struct.LocalKey.html
122/// [`with`]: #method.with
123/// [`Drop`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Drop.html
125/// # Examples
127/// This is the same as the example in the [`std::thread::LocalKey`] documentation,
128/// but adjusted to use `ThreadLocal` instead. To use it in a `static` context, a
129/// lazy initializer, such as [`once_cell::sync::Lazy`] or [`lazy_static!`] is
130/// required.
132/// [`once_cell::sync::Lazy`]: https://docs.rs/once_cell/1.2.0/once_cell/sync/struct.Lazy.html
133/// [`lazy_static!`]: https://docs.rs/lazy_static/1.4.0/lazy_static/
135/// ```rust
136/// use std::cell::RefCell;
137/// use std::thread;
138/// use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
139/// use os_thread_local::ThreadLocal;
141/// static FOO: Lazy<ThreadLocal<RefCell<u32>>> =
142/// Lazy::new(|| ThreadLocal::new(|| RefCell::new(1)));
144/// FOO.with(|f| {
145/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
146/// *f.borrow_mut() = 2;
147/// });
149/// // each thread starts out with the initial value of 1
150/// let t = thread::spawn(move || {
151/// FOO.with(|f| {
152/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
153/// *f.borrow_mut() = 3;
154/// });
155/// });
157/// // wait for the thread to complete and bail out on panic
158/// t.join().unwrap();
160/// // we retain our original value of 2 despite the child thread
161/// FOO.with(|f| {
162/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 2);
163/// });
164/// ```
166/// A variation of the same with scoped threads and per-object thread-local
167/// storage:
169/// ```rust
170/// use std::cell::RefCell;
171/// use crossbeam_utils::thread::scope;
172/// use os_thread_local::ThreadLocal;
174/// struct Foo {
175/// data: u32,
176/// tls: ThreadLocal<RefCell<u32>>,
177/// }
179/// let foo = Foo {
180/// data: 0,
181/// tls: ThreadLocal::new(|| RefCell::new(1)),
182/// };
184/// foo.tls.with(|f| {
185/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
186/// *f.borrow_mut() = 2;
187/// });
189/// scope(|s| {
190/// // each thread starts out with the initial value of 1
191/// let foo2 = &foo;
192/// let t = s.spawn(move |_| {
193/// foo2.tls.with(|f| {
194/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
195/// *f.borrow_mut() = 3;
196/// });
197/// });
199/// // wait for the thread to complete and bail out on panic
200/// t.join().unwrap();
202/// // we retain our original value of 2 despite the child thread
203/// foo.tls.with(|f| {
204/// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 2);
205/// });
206/// }).unwrap();
207/// ```
209/// # Platform-specific behavior and caveats
211/// Note that a "best effort" is made to ensure that destructors for types
212/// stored in thread-local storage are run, but it is not guaranteed that
213/// destructors will be run for all types in thread-local storage.
215/// - Destructors may not run on the main thread when it exits.
216/// - Destructors will not run if the corresponding `ThreadLocal` is dropped
217/// in a child thread (this can happen e.g. if the object or binding holding
218/// it is moved into a child thread ; or when the `ThreadLocal` is created
219/// in a child thread).
220/// - Destructors may not run if a `ThreadLocal` is initialized during the `Drop`
221/// impl of a type held by another `ThreadLocal`.
222/// - The order in which destructors may run when using multiple `ThreadLocal`
223/// is not guaranteed.
225/// On Windows, `ThreadLocal` provides per-thread storage as long as fibers
226/// are unused. When fibers are used, it provides per-fiber storage, which
227/// is similar but more fine-grained.
228pub struct ThreadLocal<T> {
229 key: oskey::Key,
230 init: fn() -> T,
233impl<T: Default> Default for ThreadLocal<T> {
234 fn default() -> Self {
235 ThreadLocal::new(Default::default)
236 }
239impl<T> fmt::Debug for ThreadLocal<T> {
240 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
241 f.pad("ThreadLocal {{ .. }}")
242 }
245/// An error returned by [`ThreadLocal::try_with`](struct.ThreadLocal.html#method.try_with).
246#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
247pub struct AccessError {
248 _private: (),
251impl fmt::Debug for AccessError {
252 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
253 f.debug_struct("AccessError").finish()
254 }
257impl fmt::Display for AccessError {
258 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
259 fmt::Display::fmt("already destroyed", f)
260 }
263impl Error for AccessError {}
265/// A wrapper holding values stored in TLS. We store a `Box<ThreadLocalValue<T>>`,
266/// turned into raw pointers.
267struct ThreadLocalValue<T> {
268 inner: T,
269 key: oskey::Key,
272const GUARD: NonNull<c_void> = NonNull::dangling();
274unsafe extern "system" fn thread_local_drop<T>(ptr: *mut c_void) {
275 let ptr = NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut ThreadLocalValue<T>);
276 if ptr != GUARD.cast() {
277 let value = Box::from_raw(ptr.as_ptr());
278 oskey::set(value.key, GUARD.as_ptr());
279 // value is dropped here, and the `Box` destroyed.
280 }
283impl<T> ThreadLocal<T> {
284 /// Creates a new thread-local storage handle.
285 ///
286 /// The provided function is used to initialize the value on the first use in
287 /// each thread.
288 ///
289 /// ```rust
290 /// use os_thread_local::ThreadLocal;
291 ///
292 /// let tls = ThreadLocal::new(|| 42);
293 /// ```
294 pub fn new(f: fn() -> T) -> Self {
295 ThreadLocal {
296 key: unsafe { oskey::create(Some(thread_local_drop::<T>)) },
297 init: f,
298 }
299 }
301 /// Acquires a reference to the value in this thread-local storage.
302 ///
303 /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not accessed it
304 /// yet.
305 ///
306 /// ```rust
307 /// use os_thread_local::ThreadLocal;
308 /// use std::cell::Cell;
309 ///
310 /// let tls = ThreadLocal::new(|| Cell::new(42));
311 /// tls.with(|v| v.set(21));
312 /// ```
313 ///
314 /// # Panics
315 ///
316 /// This function will `panic!()` if the handle currently has its destructor
317 /// running, and it **may** panic if the destructor has previously been run for
318 /// this thread.
319 /// This function can also `panic!()` if the storage is uninitialized and there
320 /// is not enough available memory to allocate a new thread local storage for
321 /// the current thread, or if the OS primitives fail.
322 pub fn with<R, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> R {
323 self.try_with(f)
324 .expect("cannot access a TLS value during or after it is destroyed")
325 }
327 /// Acquires a reference to the value in this thread-local storage.
328 ///
329 /// This will lazily initialize the value if this thread has not accessed it
330 /// yet. If the storage has been destroyed, this function will return an
331 /// `AccessError`.
332 ///
333 /// ```rust
334 /// use os_thread_local::ThreadLocal;
335 /// use std::cell::Cell;
336 ///
337 /// let tls = ThreadLocal::new(|| Cell::new(42));
338 /// tls.try_with(|v| v.set(21)).expect("storage destroyed");
339 /// ```
340 ///
341 /// # Panics
342 ///
343 /// This function will `panic!()` if the storage is uninitialized and the
344 /// initializer given to [`ThreadLocal::new`](#method.new) panics.
345 /// This function can also `panic!()` if the storage is uninitialized and there
346 /// is not enough available memory to allocate a new thread local storage for
347 /// the current thread, or if the OS primitives fail.
348 pub fn try_with<R, F: FnOnce(&T) -> R>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R, AccessError> {
349 let ptr = unsafe { oskey::get(self.key) as *mut ThreadLocalValue<T> };
350 let value = NonNull::new(ptr).unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe {
351 // Equivalent to currently unstable Box::into_raw_non_null.
352 // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/47336#issuecomment-373941458
353 let result = NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(Box::new(ThreadLocalValue {
354 inner: (self.init)(),
355 key: self.key,
356 })));
357 oskey::set(self.key, result.as_ptr() as *mut _);
358 result
359 });
360 // Avoid reinitializing a TLS that was destroyed.
361 if value != GUARD.cast() {
362 Ok(f(&unsafe { value.as_ref() }.inner))
363 } else {
364 Err(AccessError { _private: () })
365 }
366 }
369impl<T> Drop for ThreadLocal<T> {
370 fn drop(&mut self) {
371 unsafe {
372 oskey::destroy(self.key);
373 }
374 }
378pub(crate) mod tests {
379 use super::ThreadLocal;
380 use core::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
381 use crossbeam_utils::thread::scope;
382 use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
383 use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender};
384 use std::sync::RwLock;
385 use std::thread;
387 // Some tests use multiple ThreadLocal handles and rely on them having a
388 // deterministic-ish order, which is not guaranteed when multiple tests
389 // run in parallel. So we make all tests using a single handle hold a
390 // read lock, and all tests using multiple handles hold a write lock,
391 // avoiding race conditions between tests.
392 pub static LOCK: Lazy<RwLock<()>> = Lazy::new(|| RwLock::new(()));
394 #[test]
395 fn assumptions() {
396 use super::oskey;
397 use core::ptr::{self, NonNull};
398 use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
400 let _l = LOCK.write().unwrap();
401 static CALLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
402 unsafe extern "system" fn call(_: *mut oskey::c_void) {
403 CALLED.store(true, Ordering::Release);
404 }
405 unsafe {
406 // Test our assumptions wrt the OS TLS implementation.
407 let key = oskey::create(None);
408 // A newly created handle returns a NULL value.
409 assert_eq!(oskey::get(key), ptr::null_mut());
410 oskey::set(key, NonNull::dangling().as_ptr());
411 assert_eq!(oskey::get(key), NonNull::dangling().as_ptr());
412 oskey::destroy(key);
413 let key2 = oskey::create(None);
414 // Destroying a handle and creating a new one right after gives
415 // the same handle.
416 assert_eq!(key, key2);
417 // A re-create handle with the same number still returns a NULL
418 // value.
419 assert_eq!(oskey::get(key), ptr::null_mut());
420 oskey::destroy(key2);
422 let key = oskey::create(Some(call));
423 scope(|s| {
424 s.spawn(|_| {
425 oskey::get(key);
426 })
427 .join()
428 .unwrap();
429 // The destructor of a handle that hasn't been set is not called.
430 assert_eq!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Acquire), false);
431 s.spawn(|_| {
432 oskey::set(key, NonNull::dangling().as_ptr());
433 })
434 .join()
435 .unwrap();
436 // The destructor is called if the handle has been set.
437 assert_eq!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Acquire), true);
438 CALLED.store(false, Ordering::Release);
439 s.spawn(|_| {
440 oskey::set(key, NonNull::dangling().as_ptr());
441 oskey::set(key, ptr::null_mut());
442 })
443 .join()
444 .unwrap();
445 // The destructor of a handle explicitly (re)set to NULL is not called.
446 assert_eq!(CALLED.load(Ordering::Acquire), false);
447 })
448 .unwrap();
449 }
450 }
452 // The tests below were adapted from the tests in libstd/thread/local.rs
453 // in the rust source.
454 struct Foo(Sender<()>);
456 impl Drop for Foo {
457 fn drop(&mut self) {
458 let Foo(ref s) = *self;
459 s.send(()).unwrap();
460 }
461 }
463 #[test]
464 fn smoke_dtor() {
465 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
466 let foo = ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None));
467 scope(|s| {
468 let foo = &foo;
469 let (tx, rx) = channel();
470 let _t = s.spawn(move |_| unsafe {
471 let mut tx = Some(tx);
472 foo.with(|f| {
473 *f.get() = Some(Foo(tx.take().unwrap()));
474 });
475 });
476 rx.recv().unwrap();
477 })
478 .unwrap();
479 }
481 #[test]
482 fn smoke_no_dtor() {
483 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
484 let foo = ThreadLocal::new(|| Cell::new(1));
485 scope(|s| {
486 let foo = &foo;
487 foo.with(|f| {
488 assert_eq!(f.get(), 1);
489 f.set(2);
490 });
491 let (tx, rx) = channel();
492 let _t = s.spawn(move |_| {
493 foo.with(|f| {
494 assert_eq!(f.get(), 1);
495 });
496 tx.send(()).unwrap();
497 });
498 rx.recv().unwrap();
499 foo.with(|f| {
500 assert_eq!(f.get(), 2);
501 });
502 })
503 .unwrap();
504 }
506 #[test]
507 fn states() {
508 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
509 struct Foo;
510 impl Drop for Foo {
511 fn drop(&mut self) {
512 assert!(FOO.try_with(|_| ()).is_err());
513 }
514 }
515 static FOO: Lazy<ThreadLocal<Foo>> = Lazy::new(|| ThreadLocal::new(|| Foo));
517 thread::spawn(|| {
518 assert!(FOO.try_with(|_| ()).is_ok());
519 })
520 .join()
521 .ok()
522 .expect("thread panicked");
523 }
525 #[test]
526 fn circular() {
527 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
528 struct S1;
529 struct S2;
530 static K1: Lazy<ThreadLocal<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>> =
531 Lazy::new(|| ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None)));
532 static K2: Lazy<ThreadLocal<UnsafeCell<Option<S2>>>> =
533 Lazy::new(|| ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None)));
534 static mut HITS: u32 = 0;
536 impl Drop for S1 {
537 fn drop(&mut self) {
538 unsafe {
539 HITS += 1;
540 if K2.try_with(|_| ()).is_err() {
541 assert_eq!(HITS, 3);
542 } else {
543 if HITS == 1 {
544 K2.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S2));
545 } else {
546 assert_eq!(HITS, 3);
547 }
548 }
549 }
550 }
551 }
552 impl Drop for S2 {
553 fn drop(&mut self) {
554 unsafe {
555 HITS += 1;
556 assert!(K1.try_with(|_| ()).is_ok());
557 assert_eq!(HITS, 2);
558 K1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1));
559 }
560 }
561 }
563 thread::spawn(move || {
564 drop(S1);
565 })
566 .join()
567 .ok()
568 .expect("thread panicked");
569 }
571 #[test]
572 fn self_referential() {
573 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
574 struct S1;
575 static K1: Lazy<ThreadLocal<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>> =
576 Lazy::new(|| ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None)));
578 impl Drop for S1 {
579 fn drop(&mut self) {
580 assert!(K1.try_with(|_| ()).is_err());
581 }
582 }
584 thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
585 K1.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1));
586 })
587 .join()
588 .ok()
589 .expect("thread panicked");
590 }
592 #[test]
593 fn dtors_in_dtors_in_dtors() {
594 let _l = LOCK.write().unwrap();
595 struct S1(Sender<()>);
596 static K: Lazy<(
597 ThreadLocal<UnsafeCell<Option<S1>>>,
598 ThreadLocal<UnsafeCell<Option<Foo>>>,
599 )> = Lazy::new(|| {
600 (
601 ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None)),
602 ThreadLocal::new(|| UnsafeCell::new(None)),
603 )
604 });
606 impl Drop for S1 {
607 fn drop(&mut self) {
608 let S1(ref tx) = *self;
609 unsafe {
610 let _ = K.1.try_with(|s| *s.get() = Some(Foo(tx.clone())));
611 }
612 }
613 }
615 let (tx, rx) = channel();
616 let _t = thread::spawn(move || unsafe {
617 let mut tx = Some(tx);
618 K.0.with(|s| *s.get() = Some(S1(tx.take().unwrap())));
619 });
620 rx.recv().unwrap();
621 }
625mod dynamic_tests {
626 use super::tests::LOCK;
627 use super::ThreadLocal;
628 use core::cell::RefCell;
629 use std::collections::HashMap;
630 use std::vec;
632 #[test]
633 fn smoke() {
634 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
635 fn square(i: i32) -> i32 {
636 i * i
637 }
638 let foo = ThreadLocal::new(|| square(3));
640 foo.with(|f| {
641 assert_eq!(*f, 9);
642 });
643 }
645 #[test]
646 fn hashmap() {
647 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
648 fn map() -> RefCell<HashMap<i32, i32>> {
649 let mut m = HashMap::new();
650 m.insert(1, 2);
651 RefCell::new(m)
652 }
653 let foo = ThreadLocal::new(|| map());
655 foo.with(|map| {
656 assert_eq!(map.borrow()[&1], 2);
657 });
658 }
660 #[test]
661 fn refcell_vec() {
662 let _l = LOCK.read().unwrap();
663 let foo = ThreadLocal::new(|| RefCell::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
665 foo.with(|vec| {
666 assert_eq!(vec.borrow().len(), 3);
667 vec.borrow_mut().push(4);
668 assert_eq!(vec.borrow()[3], 4);
669 });
670 }